Activating Your Cells and Your Soul to Embody Your Chosen Life

Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level Two

It's time to deepen into your sacred role as a Healer.

It's time to go beyond harnessing the energy you have been working with but to start to hone in on that energy.

Working intimately with the three Usui Reiki symbols while also being imbued with Holy Fire's sacred energy will change you.

Forever. For the Better.

It heals your heart, balances the mind, restores the body, empowers your spirit, and has a way of propelling you forward on a fast path towards your destiny through the Guidance that Holy Fire Itself provides you. 

Hone Your Healing Abilities

Reiki in The Mainstream

The benefits of Reiki are becoming so widely known that over 800 U.S. hospitals employ Reiki treatments for many of their patients and specifically in cancer patient centers. It is that good at reducing stress, chronic pain, and a multitude of symptoms that come with having a dis-eased body.  

Not only does this help one see how powerfully healing Reiki is for your own body, mind, heart and soul, but it is a wonderful aspect to share with your future clients as Reiki is a well-known name and heaing modality that all people from all walks of life can benefit from. 

Extended Community

On top of the fantastic online experience you will enjoy, you also get support afterward. All of my students gain access to join a private student alumni facebook group where I am available for guidance after your class. I wish I would have had access to something like this when I took many of my various energy healing training. It is a digital support system, so you're not alone in the world with your shifts. From business growth discussions, to networking, to Reiki shares, and personal healing transformation, this community will be there for you when you need it. 

Peace for Everyone

By training in Usui/Holy Fire Reiki lll, you are gifting your whole self, and that of your friends, family, and your community the chance to come back into center and stillness again.

You gain a fighting chance to restore balance to your system and rekindle the joy, vitality, and delight that comes from having a happy and whole body, mind, and spirit.

When Reiki(Spiritual Healing Consciousness) replaces the byoli(negative energy) in your body you too will witness just how deeply healing this form if energy medicine is and how you now have an immensely powerful Source of energy in your hands, your heart and your home, forevermore. 

A Powerful Day Of Wisdom, Activation, Healing and Training

You will walk away from our time together with a full suite of wisdom and tools to perform a full healing session on your future clients plus so much more. Keep reading below to see the many benefits of taking this class.

Learn a potent Energy Clearing Technique that as a stand-alone or addition to your sessions brings much more effective results to your own healing as well as your clients.

Enjoy a Holy Love Healing Experience which is a Holy Fire healing and activation session that installs Divine Love into your cells and soul This very session has brought students instant relationships with Benevelont Ascended Masters, melted away physical pain, and opened the heart to all-new levels of experiencing what true unconditional Love is all about.

Receive extensive training on all three of the Level Two Usui Reiki symbols, the Power Symbol, the Emotional/Mental Symbol and the Distant symbol. You'll learn about the rich essence behind each symbol as well as numerous ways to use them in your life, from clearing your house to manifesting your business goals and of course how to layer them into a powerful full-body session that leaves your clients with actual healing results.

Receive your Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level Two Placement! From feelings of inexplicable peace and joy to journeys with Ascended Masters to seeing your future self as your actualized authentic self, students time and again received some of the most beautiful healing journeys and activations that I have had the pleasure of witnessing. This Placement(used to be called attunements) gifts you the instant and forever lasting ability to not just wield the three Usui Reiki symbols but to also receive a much higher and more harmonic form of this energy as your own vessel will be more tuned in and on to be able to handle and receive these beautiful abilities.

Learn how to give a full-body distant and in-person session. While we will be practicing distantly I do always discuss in-person protocol and how to-s for anyone who will also be building a home or office-based practice.

Learn Japanese Healing Techniques that Usui Sensei himself would have used like Gassho Meditation, Byosen Scanning, Reiji-ho, and Gyoshi-ho which all give you a much more effective way of using Reiki for yourself and your clients as well as the ability to deepen into this energy forevermore.

Practice giving and receiving with your classmates and get to feel the amazing difference in energy between the Power, Emotional/Mental, and Distant Healing symbol!

Discuss learning basic anatomy for Reiki, how to properly track your sessions by using Reiki Client and Documentation forms, go over the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice to ensure you build a practice that upholds loving values and morals so your practice will stand out and stand the test of time.

Discuss setting up your practice and tips from booking your first clients to booking out your client roster and different ways of promoting the value and service that you can now provide to the world.

Get access to a student alumni group where we discuss ongoing business promotion ideas, professional networking, community building, reiki shares and so much more!

Choose Your Path

The Usui/Holy Fire Reiki lll Level Two class is currently filling for September 17th. Whether you are just starting out on your healing journey or you're ready to experience More by adding Reiki and the immensely powerful Holy Fire Reiki energy into your life you will find yourself walking into and then through a class that you and your soul will never forget. There are 8 seats available so to keep our class small for intimacy and a deep level of support. The Investment is $325 pay in full or $375 in payment plans which includes a rich 200-page professional manual as well as your Level Two Holy Fire Reiki Practitioner Certificates, an alumni group and bonus Holy Fire Reiki Healing Sessions! You are walking away from this class with not just immense self-healing and growth but also the ability to create a viable sacred heart business to support you and your family and be a bedrock in your online or local community. You can contact me at [email protected] should you have any questions or simply sign up below and I'll be in touch with you!


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