$325.00 USD

*Please read all dates, times and participation requirements carefully to be sure this class works for your schedule. 

*50% of all payments are considered a deposit and are non-refundable but may be used for other online classes in a 12 month period following enrollment. 

*No refunds are available for any cancellations within 14 days of the class start-date but the same offer applies to be able to use the funds for other classes at meghanoftherose.com 


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Usui/Holy Fire Online Reiki lll Level Two

Your Destiny as a Teacher and Master Healer Awaits You. 

It all begins by taking the first powerful step of training to become an Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level Two Practioner!

Hello, Sacred Carrier of the Flame!!!

You found this page for a reason. Lean into the powerful Intuitive nature that helped us cross paths and helped the energy and blessing that is Holy Fire come into your awareness once again.

There is no better time to begin or continue the development of your spiritual practice and enhance your energetic healing abilities at this pivotal time in our Earth's history.

Allow me to share with you a bit more about the essence of Holy Fire Reiki III and just how beautiful it is to be able to share this energy with you now online!

It's time for you to go forth and light up your own life, as well as all those in your own circle who will surely need and want such a powerful and accessible method of healing during these times and going forward.

Below are some excerpts from William Rand's announcement regarding this newly upgraded form of Holy Fire Reiki.

"At the ICRT, we feel it is our responsibility to be a stable source of consistent, high-quality Reiki training. This has been the guiding principle that we have adhered to over a period of many years in the development of our Reiki teaching program.

The introduction of online Reiki classes at this appropriate time has been guided by the Brothers and Sisters of the Light who also brought us Holy Fire® Reiki. This is not just a method of teaching online but also comes with a significant improvement in the quality of Reiki energy it provides.

This new Online Ignition system was given to us as a continuation of their program. We are grateful that this gift has been given to us at such a momentous time when it is so dearly needed. As part of the process of this new energy and method of teaching coming to us, we have also become aware of the importance that the development of technology plays in the teaching of this new Reiki system. And in a similar way as in other parts of creation, we have been shown that the introduction of technology to humanity is being guided by spiritual beings; and as we work with them, they help us harmonize the use of technology with the development of our spiritual path.

To understand why it is possible to teach online classes now, keep in mind that the Holy Fire® healing system is one in which the energy has been continually working to help students evolve to higher levels of consciousness since its inception in 2014. And since the beginning of Holy Fire® III, the energy has been working with each student’s energy field to prepare him or her for this next step. This new level of healing energy has come through Jesus and the Brothers and Sisters of the Light.

This is a wonderful new energy that looks and feels beautiful. It heals by making it easier for students to become the Authentic-Self.

When this happens, the parts that need healing are counseled by the Brothers and Sisters of the light. In these sessions, the parts are able to express all their concerns and as they do this, they are healed! This takes place in the background of one’s awareness, on one of the higher heavens while the individual focuses on the Authentic-Self. And it is the revealing of the Authentic-Self that does the healing. It is a pathway of unification in which one’s self-image merges with the Authentic-Self.

It is the pathway of empowerment!

In answer to our prayers and responding to our needs, a new frequency of Reiki has been sent to the people of the earth, just as Reiki has done throughout its history. Usui Sensei’s first decision when he received Reiki was to spread to all the people in the world. And to quicken the pace of this development, he said the most important quality for a Reiki Master to have is to continually seek to develop the quality and quantity of Reiki energy one is able to channel. Usui Sensei, Hayashi Sensei, and Takata Sensei were each guided to adapt and develop Reiki according to the needs of the people of their time.

These new gifts came to use through the help of the Brothers and Sisters of the Light. And at the same time, our technology has kept up with our needs as the ability to work with others over the Internet is now much easier. These two developments make it possible to provide high-quality, live Reiki training to others anywhere in the world and at a level in which one can easily sense the presence of the teacher and other students and feel their love and caring. And in fact, as we have begun this journey, we are aware that the development of our technology is being guided by spiritual beings! And it is their intention that we are aware of them as through this awareness, they are able to help people use our technology with greater clarity and mastery.

~ The World Peace Grid Influence ~

The World Peace Grid inscription, “May the followers of all religions and spiritual paths, work together to create peace among all people on earth,” is a powerful intention and prayer.

It connects people and unifies us with a common purpose. Reiki people are part of a global community who empowers this intention.

The Peace Grid has twelve symbols in front of each lotus flower, representing all the world’s religions and spiritual paths, including atheism and all others. And during our time of need, our collective vision and prayer, through the power of Reiki energy was heard and listened to in the divine realms. Enlightened Beings, who call themselves The Brothers and the Sisters of the Light, have answered our prayers.

They are the founders of all the world’s religions and spiritual paths and are also called The Ascended Masters. While these spiritual beings were on Earth, the religions and spiritual paths they founded were for the most part separate. Now in the higher heavenly realms, they have joined together as one. They hear our prayers for peace and guide us to discover the understanding and spiritual energy we need to help ourselves and others. They have now given us a special new light that will lift us up and guide and empower us so we can more easily enter a state of unification here on earth Today.

They gave us new energy to also connect us spiritually to the Ascended Masters, the Divine Earth, the Animal Kingdom, Angels, and more. In addition, we have become aware that there are a group of spiritual beings who have guided the development of technology on earth. And they are also the ones who have brought us the gift of online Reiki Ignitions. This new energy helps us integrate our spiritual awareness with the technology of the Internet. This energy also helps us more easily adapt to the changing world we live in, making it easier to accept and use this wonderful new Reiki energy. Now, more than ever, the world needs Reiki.

It is up to us to listen to the unlimited potential of Reiki and let it guide us into the future where the people of all the world’s religions and spiritual paths work together and create peace among all people on earth."



And I, Meghan Rose a Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher and Spiritual Gift Activator and Mentor, am sincerely honored and grateful to the Ascended Masters and the Reiki Masters who have come before us, to continually help us develop the potency and efficacy of Reiki upon this planet and in our hearts, and am dedicated to passing on this stunningly powerful energy in a skillful and meaningful way to all those who are called to carry this healing energy in their hearts, hands and homes forevermore.

Here is what you need to know as a student and future Holy Fire Reiki III Practioner and Master Teacher.




~The next Level Two Class is on April 16th.

~You must be able to attend live to be able to receive this certification. 


~The Level Two Class is $350.00 or $375 in payment plans. 


~If you are wanting to take both Level One and Two together please use that link where you can get a $50 discount for taking both classes. 


~You must already have your Level One Certificate in any lineage to be able to take this class. If you need Level One you will receive a discount on taking both classes. If you know right now you are in for all classes just email me and I'll get those discounts set up right now.  

~Hard copy manuals will be mailed prior to class, right after the class is committed to with enrollment and digital manuals are always available as well. For International students, I offer a digital manual for free or I can send a hard copy for an additional $25 shipping fee.

~Class runs from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm Eastern with breaks and lunches built-in.  


Online Student Attendance Requirements and Etiquette Guidelines


Since this will be taught live and just like we are together the following is necessary for us to have the highest level of teaching and healing available.


~You will need a computer, tablet or smartphone with audio and video.

~The class is all day, If you are on a tablet or smartphone it is recommended that you put them on a tripod.

~Plan to have someone else take care of the kids and pets

~Plan to attend the entire class

~Participate in all activities

~Use video during all classes.

~Behave as if you are in an in-person class.

~If you wouldn’t do something in person, don’t do it online.

~Refrain from doing other things online during class, such as checking email, texting, getting up and wandering around.

~Refrain from moving around while on video. It is distracting for others.


All lessons that would have required students to team-up in healing pairs or groups will still run the same way but in private rooms on Zoom called break-out rooms. This enables us to all come together for this powerful healing and learning opportunity while still having real-time practice for all Reiki symbols and techniques giving you the exact empowerment and training that would be available to you in person!


All students who train with me will be given the opportunity to join a free Holy Fire Reiki III Online Mastermind group once you have successfully completed your class requirements and received your certificate! This easily enables me to be there for you for all your questions that may arise regarding any of the teaching material, and possibly more importantly to share advice and tips on how to run your own sacred Reiki business to ensure that you can begin pursuing a sacred career of your dreams which will serve the entire planet while adding a lovely additional or sole income to your life! 


This class is limited in size to keep it just as personal, intimate, and high-touch as if you were traveling to Pennsylvania to see me in-person. 


I am honored that you are here and ready to advance your personal, spiritual, and professional lives through the power, purity, and beauty that is Holy Fire Reiki III, and with me as your guide and teacher. 


Please email me at [email protected] should you have any questions at all. 


Visit www.meghanoftherose.com for a free Holy Fire Reiki Healing and to learn much more about Holy Fire and my other work on this planet.