Activating Your Cells and Your Soul to Embody Your Chosen Life







Frequency Codes are precise and potent silent energy transmissions born from pure Source intelligence itself and guided by Melchizedek, the Benevolent Ones, and the Order of The Light. They are able to be offered to you who can hear this call, now in the dawning of the New Earth Era. They work deep within your cellular structure and all of your energy bodies to activate your core memories of what it is like to exist as a Spiritual Being in a Stabilized and Harmonized Body who lives, breathes, plays with and knows how to wield and control the energetic fields within and around them. 


The Frequency Codes contained within this page have been anchored in to offer you Stabilization and Harmony. They are designed to allow your very cellular structure the ability to come back into sacred attunement with your Authentic Self, your Sacred Physical Vessel, your Divine Heart Space, your Wise Mind, and the Earth and Universe Themselves. 


This is a powerful and important launching off point if you are newer to energy work, you may be rededicating yourself to inner healing, or if you may have been finding it difficult to successfully manifest your goals and desires. 


Below you will see two ways you can experience the work inside The Personal Empowerment Codes.


By individual download, or the full-on immersion into the course which offers sacred wisdom and guidance through many workbooks and videos channeled in specifically to assist your full-on re-balancing and awakening to your greater gifts in the here and now. 


The individual purchase and download option will serve you well if you are wanting to heal and focus more on one space, like heart healing and expansion for example or are interested in utilizing a smaller investment option, to begin with. With each purchase, you will be receiving one powerful and cellular clearing and amplifying Frequency Code Activation. The full course however will always offer you more content, wisdom, and transformation as well as a better investment in the long run as there are several Frequency  Codes available inside the course that are not available for individual purchase.



Let's Activate Together

Take a deep breath.


Now let it all out.


Focus inward on your heart space and drop in here for a few moments allowing your mind to sync up with the natural beat of your Divine Heart.


Now peruse the Codes below and trust your natural and powerful intuitive nature to which one is calling you first or next. 


I have also listed them in order of what is a very powerful healing journey for you to assist your great work here on this planet in case you were looking for a suggested path. 

The Personal Empowerment Course

Time To Transform

You will be guided through three modules, Stability, Harmony and Expansion which will enable your life and your very cells to come back into coherence with your Divine Authentic Self. 


The Codes, the sacred tools, workbooks, journals, and videos will bring you what you need to create Stability in your life and body, then to Harmonize yourself to the potent and heightened energies of your highest timeline, and then into Expansion itself, to truly rediscover your limitless nature. 


This course is bringing you back into zero-field resonance with the Universe, Earth, and your Soul Self all at once. This is so much more than diving into limiting beliefs or mindset shifts. This course is gifting you with the actual frequencies you need to recalibrate and strengthen yourself back into your original divine blueprint. From learning how to activate your Sacred Shield, to meeting and channeling in your most Authentic Self's biggest visions, and much more in between, you will come out of this experience a new and restored spiritually activated energetic being who knows, remembers, and can wield their own energetic power in this life for the betterment of your entire reality. 


I believe in you and I am here for you. I have made it my mission to fill these courses with everything needed to gift you the experience of renewal and empowerment.


Reach out to me at [email protected] if you have any questions at all. 

Transform Now

50% Complete

Two Step

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