Activating Your Cells and Your Soul to Embody Your Chosen Life

The Development of Reiki



With a new Triple Flame, Holy Fire Symbol and the new way that the Holy Fire interacts directly with each student, Reiki has taken on a brand new form of potent energy medicine gifted directly to us from the Ascended Masters.


It is potent and purifying. It is gentle and powerful. It is loving and warm. It burns away the ego with grace. It frees the authentic self with encouragement. 

Become A Holy Fire Keeper Today


This was the first large segment of time and money I have spent on my own betterment in a long time. Feeling the unconditional love of reiki was so healing, and being in a community of women that were welcoming of all other's experiences was so refreshing and nurturing.


Master Teacher Student 

This class has opened up a whole new set of doors. The healing I've received and can now pass on to others is amazing and beautiful. It's helped me heal my old traumas and shed the old me.

Level One Student 


Yes, it has overall been a great impact on my life. I have such confidence and respect going forward and living now. I shall pursue this path and encourage others who seek it or don't yet know of its benefits because I truly feel valued, loved, and wonderful because of this experience.


Master Teacher Student 

The Evolution

Reiki has been evolving into the powerful and sacred essence as it is seen today by passing through the hands of many dedicated Masters and Healers who have focused their whole life on this path.

Reiki in its written and documented form has been around for over 100 years. The energy itself, which is Universal Energy, has been available since time immemorial. It is time, and is creation, and is love, and is everything. Reiki is a pure, unadulterated source of all that we understand, and don't understand in this universe.


It offers us a piece of what it means to be Spirit once more, what it is like to remember our divinity and be able to harness, hold, and send unconditional love and healing energies. We reclaim the ability to come back to our still points and be pure, clear channels of love and power that is so much bigger than us.


Many people credited Usui Sensei with the discovery of Reiki when he went to Mt. Karuma to seek enlightenment or An-shin-Ritsu-Mei. He wished to find this type of deep inner peace and stillness. He was seeking a sense of purpose and knowing that comes from within one's soul and does not depend on external influence or cultural pervasions. After 21 days on this mountain top, just outside of Kyoto, Japan, Mikao Usui did indeed receive this enlightenment! It is reported that he ran back down the mountain to share in this experience and slammed his toe on one of the many jutting sycamore roots that cross the paths there. He bent down to cusp his foot and toe in pain and discovered that the pain quickly disappeared and his foot stopped bleeding! It was then that he realized he was also gifted healing powers and that this was to be his purpose in life.

Usui Sensei did great things in the next four years until his passing in 1926. He opened a Reiki clinic, trained 22 Masters, developed further healing styles and methods to help serve the masses and traveled throughout Japan to spread this method of healing.


When he first opened his clinic, the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai or the Usui Reiki Healing Art Society, he passed on the Reiki energy just by having others be in his presence and being taught verbally. It is important to note here the use of Ryoho in his chosen name. For before Usui Sensei went to Mt. Karuma there was another society of Reiki being taught Reiki Ryoho created by Mataji Kawakami, and it would seem with this name choice that Mikao Usui knew of this practice and was stating that he was building his own clinic and methodologies.


When an earthquake and tsunami injured thousands of people in 1923, he knew he needed a more efficient way to both heal and train others to heal. He developed many techniques that are still passed on today such as Byosen scanning, Gassho and Reiji-ho and possibly more notable this was when he developed the style of attunements that many are used to today and the use of the first three symbols that are given in Level Two of Reiki, also known as Okuden.


Before he passed from a stroke while traveling in 1926, he asked Chujiro Hayashi Sensei to start his own Reiki clinic and further develop Reiki for the benefit of all. Hayashi Sensei was the last teacher to be attuned and trained by Usui Sensei. He was also a doctor in the Japanese Navy and had extensively begun to document client cases who came into his new clinic, Hayashi Reiki Kenkyukai.


Through Hayashi Sensei, Reiki was gifted many intricate hand positions for the treatment of specific disorders. This has been translated and is available in William Rand's book Reiki The Healing Touch. He also developed the standard treatment method of having the patient or client lay down on a table instead of sitting in a chair which is how Usui Sensei healed. He also was the first to start teaching Shoden and Okuden, Reiki Level One and Two together in one class while he was traveling.


Madame Takata was one of his patients and then one of his students and trained under Hayashi Sensei up to Master level in 1938. She is credited for many more beautiful developments and evolutions of Reiki. In fact, if it wasn't for her teaching Reiki in Hawaii and the mainland U.S. before WW2, it is likely that none of us would be experiencing this beautiful methodology today. Madame Takata is who introduced the Master Symbol to help differentiate the levels of energy and benefit from receiving both classes. Until her use of the master symbol was never used. She also took the intricate hand symbols and simplified them for what she said would be easier for the western mind to understand. We now have a very effective way to offer this beautiful healing to others and ourselves, with attention to our whole body and energy systems.


Madame Takata also occasionally taught Level one and Two Together but insisted that to take the Master Level class one must pay a $10,000 fee! This was said to instill respect for what the student was about to partake in, and it's power. However, due to this Reiki was spreading very slowly. $10,000 is a lot of money today, and this was in the 1940s through the 1970s that no one would offer a smaller class fee.


When Madame Takata passed one of her students, Iris Ishikuro decided to follow her inner guidance and lower the master fee substantially. She only trained two other Masters, her daughter, and Arthur Robertson. Arthur Robertson continued to teach Usui Reiki but also used his training background in Tibetan Shamanism to once again further develop the power and effectiveness of Reiki in a style called, Raku Kei. He channeled in other symbols and methods to impact the energy flow of Reiki.

Above: William Rand the founder of Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, Karuna Reiki, and Usui/Tibetan Reiki and myself, Meghan Rose


One of Arthur Robertson's students, Diane McCumber also taught both Usui Reiki and Raku Kei, and this is who my teacher, William Rand, the developer of Usui/Tibetan Reiki, Karuna Reiki, and now the ever-potent Holy Fire Reiki trained with.


William Rand has been a Reiki Master for over thirty years and is the founder of the International Center of Reiki Training where I trained, am a member of, and who's professional manuals I use in my classes.


Holy Fire Reiki has been further developed and channeled by years of practice, teaching, healing, sharing, creating, loving and then doing that all over again and allowing a more potent energy to come through each time. 


This energy is born from the Ascended Masters known as the Brothers and Sisters of the Light. You will have access to direct experiences, messages, guidance and teachings from Ascended Masters like Jesus, Buddha, Quan Yin, Mother Mary, Melchizedek, St. Germain, Hilarion and all the Benevelont Beings that make up the Higher Heavens of Peace, Love, and Unity. 


When you look back on the history and evolution of Reiki, you can see it was always destined to be further refined, empowered, and touched in unique and beautiful ways by each soul whose destiny it was to dedicate their lives to this beautiful form of Universal Love and Energy.


To me, a Reiki practitioner of 20 years, Holy Fire Reiki feels like I have a miracle in my hands. It is so different than the traditional Usui that I had known before and yet merges so perfectly with the strong roots that Usui Sensei allowed to grow all over the world.


With the new symbol and the new way that the Holy Fire interacts directly with each student, instead of through another being, the teacher, Reiki has taken on a brand new form of energy medicine. It is potent and purifying. It is gentle and powerful. It is loving and warm. It burns away the ego with grace. It frees the authentic self with encouragement.


I have never felt such strong energy course through my body immediately upon calling in Holy Fire, and I have been practicing energy medicine for over half of my life!


In my Usui/Holy Fire Reiki lll Classes you can expect to walk away with new and enhanced healing skills as well as a sense of purpose, clarity, vision, and a renewed and empowered sense of self.

Besides the immeasurable power, warmth, peace, healing, and love that comes from Usui/Holy Fire Reiki, I quite like the fact that this method of energy medicine is so simple.


You just show up and receive this amazing energy, and it's yours forever.


Use it every day in any of the numerous and straightforward methods, and it will change you. It heals hearts, minds, and bodies, and has a way of propelling us forward on a fast path towards your destiny.


This is what I wish for You and for the World.


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