Activating Your Cells and Your Soul to Embody Your Chosen Life
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Meet Meghan Rose!


Hey Sweet Soul!

Many thanks and much love to you for visiting my sacred online space. I'd like to take the opportunity to introduce myself a bit more here.

I'm Meghan Rose and I live and breathe energy medicine. Seriously. I do this stuff for fun. This is the work that is not work for me, and I would do it all for free if it came down to it(and do actually, check out the several free and powerful energy transmissions inside my sacred FB space, Energy Medicine Healing: Health, Wealth, and Consciousness Transformation as well as enjoy a free Frequency Code activation, Worthiness, which is a secret bonus to anyone who visits this page! Just click the photo of me soaking up Sun Wisdom at Lake Tahoe. 

As a clairvoyant since birth, I've experienced both vividly wild and sacred journeys to the Other Worlds as well as some pretty intensely scary visits and interdimensional crossovers.

To harness and anchor the immense power that flowed through me I started training in energy medicine by being attuned informally to Usui Reiki when I was 17 years old in a friends basement.

My soul yearnings led me to studying Siberian and Peruvian shamanism, medicine woman ways, past life work, sacred channeling work through the ascended masters, as well as working up to Master Teacher level in Usui/Holy Fire Reiki III ust to name a few of my spiritual endeavors.

I've come to understand and own my path as a Frequency Code Keeper and Wayshower for this planet and for my fellow Power Souls(hint, hint, you are one too)!

As a professional energy medicine teacher, activator, and healer, I have studied and trained in an extensive amount of certifications, courses, modalities, activations, initiations, and soul journeys over the last 18 years.

My primary work at the moment is anchoring in Frequency Codes through Melchizedek and his lineage of the Order of Light(think Jesus, Quan Yin, Buddha, and Isis among many others) as well as hosting Holy Fire Reiki III in-person classes, both of which are soul, life and DNA altering work. My sacred work and play is to hold the Lantern that shines the Light on your naturally Divine skills as an Embodied Healer. I can help you merge with your most Authentic Self and experience true Soul embodiment in this Lifetime.

When I'm not working in the liminal spaces I am teaching myself to play the Uke! My goal for the year is to learn 'Ukulele Lady'! I'm a forest chick and adore the diversity of the Pennsylvania flora that I get to be immersed in. Another sacred work and play merging is raising my sweet little spectrum and crystal child who I know is anchoring in her own immensely beautiful frequencies and is here to move mountains.

It's a joy to be here on this Earth, in this time, and meeting Souls like yours.

I see you. I'm here for you.

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