Activating Your Cells and Your Soul to Embody Your Chosen Life







This is a Clarion Call to my Fellow Sacred Ones.


The Psychics. The Oracles. The Teachers. The Healers. The Seekers. The Keepers. The Carriers. 

The Wayshowers.

The Light Warriors and Leaders. The Shadow Workers. The Seers. The Eternally Curious.

The Magick-Makers.

You Already Know Who You Are.


It is Time to Dig Deep into the Energetics and Sacred Laws of Activating Your Soul Truths and Your Soul Powers.

For coming into your Power in This Very Lifetime is a deep yearning you will always have felt.

And it's so much deeper than we have been taught in this lifetime. 

It's The Pull For More.

Not some outer accomplishment, badge, or certificate.

But the Pull of FEELING More.

Knowing More. Seeing More. Hearing More. Understanding More.

Be-ing More.


In your body, your heart-space, your meridians, your bio-field and your soul.

It's getting to breathe in those deep sighs of relief that come when you have just successfully met yourself more genuinely and more deeply than you ever have before.


My work, This Work, is not to be niched down by label - but by Essence.
You'll already Know if it's for You.
Because you've wanted to See more for so long.
You've wanted to Hear purer Wisdom greeting your ears in meaningful ways.
You've wanted to Feel in ways that build you up with eternal strength instead of draining your body.
You want to Know that what is coming into your life is indeed your very own Truths so that you can walk proudly and confidently on your chosen Path.

In essence, when you are introduced to Frequency Codes, your powerful intelligent cellular system Remembers them! As it is stimulated and re-awakened with these Codes it forms back into cohesive and harmonic order so these gifts and abilities come back to the forefront for you!


This Course Is A Chance to Activate your True, Original, Core Gifts.


It consists of 25+ Frequency Code DNA Activations to literally give your body, from Cell to Soul, the proper wavelengths it needs to re-awaken and further activate and amplify your spiritual gifts.

There will be a heavy focus on Anchoring your Sacred Energy deeply into the Harmonic Grids of Mama Earth as well as entire modules on Awakening your Psychic Abilities including heavy focuses on:

The Psychic Mastery Frequency Codes are a DNA Activation Series birthed from Source itself and The Order Of Melchizedek and The Benevolent Ones.

This Order gifts us with Order and Harmony Itself.

The Frequency Codes, aka the DNA Activations, are precise harmonic wavelengths that were always intended to flow upon, and from, our sacred bodies, before the discordant manipulation of energetic technologies began.

And when you're introduced to their Frequencies, your body and your essence, immediately responds in cellular memory activation where what is being brought forth, in this case, the remembering of your Psychic and Spiritual Gifts, is anchored so deeply into your body that it reverberates within your biofield and can anchor into your field so to create permanent beneficial restructuring of how your sensory system operates! 


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The Frequency Codes are where the magick and science of energetic activations merge and offer you instant cellular shifts into higher awareness, perception, and emerging psychic and extra-sensory abilities.

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They are the feel and shift in real-time energetic activations that your physical and energy systems require to be able to effectively dismantle and regulate the discord that has dimmed your gifts in the first place, as well as to harmonize and amplify your body as the Codes continue to create a new cohesive relationship within your biofield.

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The channeled wisdom that will be included in the form of written workbooks and lessons per module will give you daily structured tools to turn the above transmissions into powerful live-action steps to show you how to embrace and use your gifts in real-life circumstances.

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This is provided so that you can consistently retrain your newly activated neurological pathways to what it is like to live as a Be-ing who has known for eons how to live in the world beyond the five senses but has just been dimmed down and shut off in this highly programmed incarnation.


Energy Medicine and Advancing Spiritual Gifts Is My Forte.

I love and live for this work.

It is what lights me up and has for over twenty years, but really, my whole life. 

I was born to do this work. 

And I want to share it with those who also feel this way.

With You.


The one who respects, admires and is endlessly curious about working beyond the veil, walking with one foot in both worlds and understanding in your heart of hearts that there is sooooo much more to this world than the naked eye can see, and that we have been told exists.


This course, this journey, is for You. 


It will effectively bring you to entirely new advanced levels of multiple spiritual gifts and abilities so that you can walk through this life with your blinders off, and be someone who affects the world around them, instead of simply being affected by it. 


There are multi-level Frequency Code Activations in each module, as in a Clairvoyance Activation Code, then a Clairvoyance Level Two Activation Code, and a Clairvoyance Level Three Activation Code.


This is being channeled specifically by the Benevolent Ones in this way so as to prepare and address the human structure, systems, and patterns, to be able to gradually unfold, stimulate, awaken and step into these Cell to Soul Activations in safe, powerful, and graceful ways. 


This is so that your inevitable expansion and evolution through this journey will be an enjoyable and deeply insightful period of your life. 


This Journey is being grouped into six meaningful modules. And while it is self-paced, I will be suggesting a minimum path of twelve weeks to truly allow your entire being the chance to meld into this work, assimilate the Codes, and begin the merging and embodiment process with your newly evolved Self.


I'll be available for all questions as well as for those wanting to share their experiences with each Code and receive insight on their journeys via the online school platform. 


If I've been speaking to your Soul here my friend then I would love to share this work, this journey, this cell to soul transformation journey with you.  


Below you will see both options for pay in full or payment plans and don't hesitate to reach out via email at [email protected] should you have any questions at all. 


All the Love and Empowerment From Me and Your Future/Present Self Is Coming Your Way!


Pay In Full

Activate Your Gifts

Payment Plan

Activate Your Gifts