$185.55 USD

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The Psychic Mastery Codes Course


The Psychic Mastery Frequency Codes are a DNA Activation Series birthed from Source itself and The Order Of Melchizedek and The Benevolent Ones.


This faction of Light Ascended Beings gifts us with Order and Harmony Itself.


The Frequency Codes, aka the DNA Activations, are precise harmonic wavelengths that were always intended to flow upon, and from, our sacred bodies, before the discordant manipulation of energetic technologies began.


And when you're introduced to their Frequencies, your body and your essence, immediately responds in cellular memory activation where what is being brought forth, in this case, the remembering of your Psychic and Spiritual Gifts, is anchored so deeply into your body that it reverberates within your biofield and can re-anchor and re-awaken into your field so to create permanent beneficial restructuring of how your sensory system operates!


Which is how these Codes work so quickly, effectively, and powerfully to allow you to uncover and remember your naturally divine gifts!


You'll Know if this is for You.


It's for You if you're own of those Souls who have wanted to See more for so long.


You've wanted to Hear purer Wisdom greeting your ears in meaningful ways.


You've wanted to Feel in ways that build you up with eternal strength instead of draining your body.


You want to Know that what is coming into your life is indeed your very own Truths so that you can walk proudly and confidently on your chosen Path.


And you want a True and Direct relationship with your own beautiful Cosmic Team, the Ascended Masters who align most with your work here, your Star Family, your Spirit Guides and your Higher Self for that matter.


Below is a breakdown of what is included in the course and you'll also see some discount links in the comments for a limited time.


Welcome Module!


~Welcome Video ~ Welcome to the Psychic Awakenings Codes. A what's what with how the Frequency Codes work and how they can assist you in all areas of your life. 
~ Layering and Anchoring of the Codes ~ How to anchor them into your body fully and how to combine and call in the Codes even when you're not listening to them!


Module One: Cellular Cohesion and Harmonization


~Cellular Cohesion Sacred Wisdom
~The Sacred Shield Activation Code
~The Healing Pod and Align and Assimilate Code
~Harmony Code
~Strength Code
~Biofield Harmonization Code 
~Heart Coherence Code 
~Gentle Expansion Code 
~The Psychic Awakenings Code


Module Two: Clairsentience


~Clairsentience Sacred Wisdom 
~Expanded Aura Code 
~Clairesentience Awakening Level One Code 
~Clairesentience Awakening Level Two Code 
~Clairesentience Awakening Level Three Code


Module Three: Claircognizance


~Let Thy True Self Be Known (Sacred Wisdom AND a Frequency Code combined!) 
~Pendulum and Muscle testing Video 
~Claircognizance Awakening Level One Code 
~Claircognizance Awakening Level Two Code 
~Claircognizance Awakening Level Three Code


Module Four: Clairaudience


~Clairaudience Sacred Wisdom
~Clarity of Vibration Code 
~Clairaudience Awakening Level One Code
~Clairaudience Awakening Level Two Code
~Clairaudience Awakening Level Three Code


Module Five: Clairvoyance


~Clairvoyance Sacred Wisdom
~Seeing The Light Code
~Clairvoyance Awakening Level One Code
~Clairvoyance Awakening Level One Code
~Clairvoyance Awakening Level One Code

Module Six: Channeling Your Cosmic Guides


~The Sacred Scribe Room Channeling Safely and Effectively
~The Sacred Scribes Workbook 
~Healing Spirit Attachments and Psychic Protection via Holy Fire Reiki


If you're serious about owning and honing your extra-sensory gifts then this is the course for you. This isn't a course filled with fluff. It contains over 24 actual Light-Encoded DNA Activations that will continually bring you to your next level of psychic awakening skills and enable you to Feel more, See more, Know more, Hear more, and Connect better than you ever were able to before.


And I'll be there for you too of course. Inside the private Facebook group, you can ask me a question about your experiences any day and I can help you through your situation while you still have the ability and freedom to go at your own pace and use these Frequency Code any time of the day or night without the pressure of missing lives and so forth.


While I adore being an anchor for all sorts of Frequency Codes, the awakening of psychic, spiritual and extra-sensory gifts has always been my forte and I'm here for those who want this to be pronounced energy in their lives as well, especially in these massively heightened times we're living in where we're all literally on a precipice of change and growth.


See you on the inside my sacred friends! 


Meghan of the Rose