$9.00 USD

The Wholeness Codes! 


A Divinely Selected collection of Frequency Codes taken right out of the Vault of the Activations Academy! 


If you are not already a member of the Activations Academy, then this is your opportunity to work with the Universally Harmonic Frequency Codes inside, in each of the categories! 


You'll be receiving TWO Codes from EACH section including;


Physical Harmonization, Emotional Harmonization, Mental Harmonization, Spiritual Harmonization as well as Wealth Harmonization!!!! I'll also be adding some Bonus Frequency Code resources to make this an all-around powerful series to bring you relief, peace, harmony, abundance, healing, increased abilities, and more! 


This entire series is only $55.55 and will be available in your library on 8/8!


The Chosen Codes are: 


~ Rest and Restoration!

~ Divine Immunity!

~ Safe!

~ Heart Expansion!

~ Integral Balance! 

~ Grace With Clarity!

~ Blessings To Begin!

~ Evolution!

~ I Am A Money Magnet!

~ Client Attraction!


Bonus Codes to include: Wealth Magnet, Blessings, Worthiness, Rejuvenation, and more!!!

Clear and Protect

The Course You Need When You're Ready To Take Your Energetic Health and Power Back. 



This Power Codes Course offers you the comfort and security of knowing you're doing your due diligence when it comes to protecting and clearing your body, mind, heart, and home.


By learning new and powerful ways to use Intentions, Centering, and Shielding while actually receiving the Frequency Code Activations you need to make these processes strong and stable within your cells, soul, and home, you will be able to stop feeling drained, unprotected, and unsure of what errant energy has been affecting you and simultaneously be able to reclaim your power, sovereignty, and sanity today.


Introducing Clear and Protect! Understand how to use your Sovereign Free Will Power to create a strong and harmonic frequency field and deflect, neutralize, and transmute unwanted energies or straight-out spiritual attacks.


Uncontrolled and weak energy fields are the norm in our society. It is not your fault nor something to be ashamed of. 


In many cases, the stronger or more awakened you become could mean higher forms of attack or sensitivity to negative energies, so it is not that you're doing something wrong, but that higher forms of harmonic clearing and protection are needed now. 


You may have found that you're going through life:


~ Not quite knowing what you want and going back and forth with what to focus your energy on, 


~ Not quite knowing how to direct your energy purposefully and into the right places, 


~ Not quite knowing how to safeguard your energy, 


~ Not quite knowing how to decide what you allow in and what you don't, 


And you're very likely feeling as if you're always fighting an uphill battle and are unsure why the things you work towards never seem to pan out in your favor. 


It is hard to feel good and come out on top when there are so many errant and discordant frequencies combatting you during your waking and dreaming states.


Inside this Power Codes Course, you will access clear lessons AND the on-high activations your energy needs to Clear and Protect you and yours from unwanted, distorted, outdated, and discordant energies.


This is done by utilizing several On-High, Source-Born Activations called the Frequency Codes as well as lessons on Intentions, Centering, Anchoring, and Shielding. 




Creating Clear Intentions and Decrees In All You Do Will Change Your Experience. If you are not Choosing what you want, then it is being chosen for you by old programs, conditioning, and collective consciousness. 


The Clear and Protect Frequency Code


A Frequency Code designed for the Ultimate Clearing and Protection Abilities. I have Asked for One Harmonic Point of Energy that will assist you in clearing out:


Discordant Programs and Conditioning

Negative EMFs and Wifi

Known and Unknown Harmful Wavelengths and Technologies

Psychic Attack

Negative Entities

Astral Attacks and more.


Anchoring and the Anchoring Into The New Earth Frequency Code


Being fully present and grounded in the here and now, while simultaneously Choosing to exist within the new Harmonic Earth Timeline is crucial to your ultimate happiness and desires coming into fruition. 


This is a short and sweet written lesson, with the potent addition of the Anchoring Into The New Earth Frequency Code, and adds emphasis on Choosing to operate within the Harmonics of the Universe, and not the Discordant frequencies you were born into, as well as how to Choose to anchor in specific Harmonic Rays and Essences that will benefit all areas of your life. 



The Centering Technique and The Sovereignty, Protection, and Safety for Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Home Frequency Code


Centering is a powerful practice of calling back all of your healed and harmonic energy and learning how to absorb the essences you need and want and to transmute all that should not be in or near your biofield. 


Within this written lesson you will be learning how to have all positive, warm, good-natured, and healed energy easily drawn into you and to have all negative, cold, ill-natured, and discordant energy immediately being repelled and sucked away back into the Universal Light so as to be transmuted for the greater good. 


Consciously creating a solid and safe protective energy around your physical body and light bodies is crucial to the work of healing and expansion. Your energy needs to be clear of all interferences and distractions and the Centering Technique and the Sovereignty, Protection, and Safety for Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Home Frequency Code will help you do this. 


I say interferences for those types of energies that are put upon your frequency on purpose for ill-intent to affect you in a negative way. Whether this is what we call the evil eye aka psychic attacks or the many forms of frequency manipulation that are standard in today's world.


Distractions, in essence, are when you tend to consciously or unconsciously intertwine your energies with other people, times, places, etc that simply do not serve you any longer, but for many reasons you just can't seem to detach from, or as is often the case, you are not even truly aware that you're the one allowing your own energy to be siphoned in this manner.


Reclaiming your own sacred and sovereign energy will help your current embodiment feel so much better. You'll be more at peace, feel calmer throughout the day no matter where you go, and you'll even start to feel more put together, which you will start to understand better when you listen to the Code.


You will find that this transmission is well kept in your repertoire of Frequency Codes and assists you in achieving more on all levels of your existence.


Shielding and the Sacred Shield Frequency Code 


Shielding is even more powerful than Centering. 


It is super important and very powerful when utilized daily. So many people go around being less protected than they should be for not doing this simple step. In this part, I have been called to share the on-high Frequency Code Activation, the Sacred Shield 2.0(anchored in new just for this course!) to gift you the energetic practice and remembrance of how to utilize your Sacred Shield. 


Your Sacred Shield is another form of spiritual technology that is natural to the human body albeit an almost forgotten one in mainstream views. 


There are a multitude of benefits that come from working with the Sacred Shield Activation.


It aids you in deepening your connection to Source.


It creates a natural protective and expansive energy shield all around you.


It releases current densities and stuck energy in your body.


It even calls in and attracts different wavelengths of healing frequencies that your bodies most need at any given time.


Expect massive and noticeable results in how you feel, think, and perceive life's happening on a daily basis when you use this activation often.


If you're new here or the first time you're hearing me talk about the Frequency Codes here is what they are about.


Frequency Codes are Pure, Harmonic, and Orderly Frequencies from the Universe.


The Codes themselves are silent transmissions.


You will hear me serve as a Channel and Mouth-Piece for the Wisdom, Messages, and Wavelengths that are pouring forth from the Frequency Code. You can liken them in ways to guided or informational meditations but they are So Much More Than That.


They Assist you on a Cellular Level to Embody and Remember what it is like to Operate in Harmony with the Original and Divine Intentions of Source Itself.


Each Frequency Code brings you the unique gift of vibrating to the exact energy being offered which is described plainly in the name of the Code.


While each Frequency Code is bringing in the Sacred Light Forms that are needed for you to Magnetize and Harmonize your Field properly, they will simultaneously be releasing the dense false programs and energies that kept you stuck in the first place!


This is an amazing double-blessing of this all the Frequency Codes and is just one of the reasons why they are so effective from the very first use!



This is for you if you want to be able to: 



~ Own the reality where you are a powerful and vast energetic being in control of your own energy.


~ Gain control of your energy and life by utilizing your Intention Decrees, Sacred Shields, and other On-High Lessons and Activations.


~ Clear out any current negative influences affecting you.


~ Protect yourself and your family from any future harmful energies.


~ Steer your life in the direction and frequency of harmony and happiness.


~ Greatly reduce the frequency and strength of future spiritual attacks.



This is not for you if: 


~ You don't consider yourself a spiritual being.


~ You're not open-minded.


~ You're not ready or willing to take energetic health and protection seriously or into your own hands. 


~ You're not able to commit to two to three hours of Work, which when used and learned over time, will take you a matter of minutes to be able to call in and perform. 


You can learn more about me and my work here :




Meghan Rose is a Teacher, Healer, and Activator of Sacred Truths and Gifts. She's spent her whole life studying energy medicine, from the esoteric to the scientific. She acts now as a Spiritual Activation and Integration Teacher for those on the spiritual awakening journey, on many different levels and paths, who share a core desire to remember, harness, and hone their sacred and divine gifts. She specializes in the activation of one's innate spiritual gifts with an emphasis on how to effectively use them in the here and now to better one's life.


Her overarching goal is to assist the evolution and harmonization of the entire planet and Universe, through her work with individual sacred souls. When Meghan isn't studying and playing with energy, which is most of the time, she loves to get lost in a good book or see what she can create out of thin air on a canvas. :)





What People Are Saying:

"I have been doing Frequency Codes for a while. It can be life-changing! I can listen to a Frequency Code, then go back to it a month later, and somehow I get something different each time! I feel like I have more control of myself and my energy circle. I feel calmer, less stressed, and sleep better. I am able to step away from that or those that no longer serve me. Meghan is an amazing teacher and guide. I am so grateful I said yes to my intuition and started the codes! There is so much more they and Meghan do for me. I'm no spring chicken, but my life has taken a shift for the better, no question about it. Best thing I have ever done for myself."

Vickie C.

"First off I am so grateful to be here with all of you. In two days I have experienced amazing changes, and I have only listened to two codes. Beautiful changes I am so grateful for. I feel lighter and like I am really healing."

Suzanne N

"For those that are newer, the frequency codes almost feel like a cheat code to get to whatever it is that you're trying to accomplish. It's truly surprising how much time it can save you especially when you've been struggling with something for such a long time. Meghan's work is truly amazing. And, it was just what I needed especially when I couldn't figure out what that was."

Alnita C.