Spring Investment ~ $444.44 instead of $525.55!

Usui/Holy Fire Online Reiki lll Level One and Two Class 2024 Pay In Full

Your Destiny as a Holy Fire Teacher and Master Healer Awaits You. 


And it all begins by taking the first powerful step of training to become a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level One and Two Practioner!


Hello, Sacred Carrier of the Flame!!!


You found this page for a reason.


Lean into the Powerful Intuitive nature that helped us cross paths and which assisted the Sacred Energy and Blessing that is Holy Fire Reiki to come into your awareness once again.


There is no better time to begin or continue the development of your spiritual practice and enhance your energetic healing abilities at this pivotal time in our Earth's history.


It's time for you to go forth and light up your own life, as well as all those in your own circle who will surely need and want such a powerful and accessible method of healing during these times and going forward.




In your Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level One Class You Will:



  • Learn a potent energy-clearing technique for cleansing and protecting your own energy that is excellent to use on a daily basis to enable your auric field to stay clear from unwanted accumulated negative energy. 
  • Enjoy a deep level of inner healing as you journey to the Ocean of Holy Love Experience where students commonly experience interactions with Ascended Masters, heal past and current life wounds and traumas, and are purified and empowered into their new healing abilities. 
  • Dive deep into what Reiki is in the first place, how it differs from other forms of energy medicine, how it heals you and others in powerful ways, and a multitude of ways to use it in your every day life to witness true and lasting change. 
  • Learn about the different levels of Usui/Holy Fire Reiki that you can continue onto such as Level Two where you will be empowered by the first three Usui Symbols and Master Teacher Level where you receive both the Usui Master Symbol and the Holy Fire Reiki Triple Flame Symbol! 
  • Learn about your lineage of Reiki Masters who brought us modern-day Reiki including Usui Sensei, Hayashi Sensei, and Madame Takata, and how Holy Fire Reiki was born through William Rand. By studying in this lineage in my classes you are only six souls away from Sensei Usui himself! 
  • Learn how to perform a Holy Fire Reiki Gassho Meditation which can assist you in growing your skills and abilities every single day. Our Source is unlimited and so are you and the way that you can grow and experience Reiki in your life. 
  • Learn about the higher dimensional realities(called Heavens in Holy Fire Reiki and ways you can heal your life on a consistent basis and experience a pure relationship with the Ascended Masters and your Guides. 
  • Receive your Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level One Placement! This is similar, but so much more powerful, than the old attunement style of Reiki. The Holy Fire Reiki works with you in a personal and intimate way instead of having to be channeled through the teacher anymore and the effect is quite a new and potent form of healing and up-leveled skills. By receiving this Placement you will experience right here in class how your healing perception and extra-sensory abilities move to the next level of awareness and heightened skill. 
  • Learn how to feel your own energy! You will learn and experience a method for scanning your own body and energy field that will assist you in detecting what areas of your body are asking for the most healing assistance at any given moment! This same method is what you can use for your future clients too!
  • Experience a full hands-on self-healing practice session where you learn the most effective hand positions to use when you're seeking a deep level of healing and alignment in your life.
  • Learn about the Power Symbol, the Emotional/Mental Symbol, and the Distant Symbol so you can understand how Reiki is able to change its essence when you are ready to move onto the Level Two class! 



In Your Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Level Two Class You Can Expect To:


  • Receive a Deeply Nurturing Holy Love I Experience to Install Divine Love more clearly into your body forever!
  • Learn the Level Two symbols including the Power Symbol, the Emotional/Mental Healing Symbol, and the Distant Symbol!
  • Receive Your Placement for Level Two Activating the Power of the Symbols Within You!
  • Learn original Japanese Reiki techniques that Sensei Usui used and recommended himself, including Gassho, Byosen Scanning, Kenyoku, Gyoshi-ho, and Enkaku Chiryo!
  • Learn how to use these techniques for self-healing and for healing others!
  • Have plenty of sacred practice time with your like-souled peers to learn all the hand positions to give a complete Reiki Treatment!
  • Practice with and without each symbol to gain experience and get to feel and understand how each one flows in its own unique way!
  • Gain a life-long skill that will change your life and give you the ability to start or greatly increase your own sacred business!


As a Usui/Holy Fire Reiki Master Teacher I am sincerely honored and grateful to the Order Of Light and the Reiki Masters who have come before us, to continually help us develop the potency and efficacy of Reiki upon this planet and in our hearts.


I am also sincerely honored to get to pass on this Sacred Energy to You. 


Here is what you need to know as a student and future Holy Fire Reiki III Practioner.



~Level One will be held live on Saturday, February 10th, and Level Two will be held live on Sunday, February 18th. 

~You must be able to attend live to be able to receive this certification. 

~All payments are considered to be a non-refundable deposit to hold your seat. However, if anything comes up that you cannot make class live you will automatically have a seat in my next class or be able to use your full payment towards my other online courses and programs. 

~The Level One and Two classes are all day from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm Eastern Standard Time. 

~The Investment is $575 for payment plans. You can receive a Pay In Full Discount of $50 making it $525. This enables you to heal at a Level Two Practitioner Level and share this healing energy with your own community making this investment level easily come back to you. 

~If you want to take the Master Teacher class after this one you will receive an additional $100 discount as long as it is taken in the same calendar year. 

~Discounts are always available when enrolling in multiple classes at once or if you are enrolling with family or friends. Just reach out prior to enrolling for a special link.

~Hard copy manuals will be mailed prior to class, typically just a few weeks after enrollment. International students can receive a free digital manual or I will send a hard copy manual with an additional $30 shipping fee. 

~Class runs from approximately 9:30 am to 6:30 pm Eastern with breaks and lunches built-in. Please check a time converter to see when this class would start for you.


Online Student Attendance Requirements and Etiquette Guidelines


Since this will be taught live and just like we are together the following is necessary for us to have the highest level of teaching and healing available.

~You will need a computer, tablet, or smartphone with audio and video

~The class is all day, If you are on a tablet or smartphone it is recommended that you put them on a tripod

~Plan to have someone else take care of the kids and pets

~Plan to attend the entire class

~Participate in all activities

~Use video during all classes

~Behave as if you are in an in-person class

~If you wouldn’t do something in person, don’t do it online

~Refrain from doing other things online during class, such as checking email, texting, getting up, and wandering around

~Refrain from moving around while on video. It is distracting for others


All lessons that would have required students to team up in healing pairs or groups will still run the same way but in private rooms on Zoom called break-out rooms. This enables us to all come together for this powerful healing and learning opportunity while still having real-time practice for all Reiki symbols and techniques giving you the exact empowerment and training that would be available to you in person!


All students who train with me will be given the opportunity to join a free Holy Fire Reiki III Online Alumni group once you have successfully completed your class requirements and received your certificate! This easily enables me to be there for you for all your questions that may arise regarding any of the teaching material, and possibly more importantly to share advice and tips on how to run your own sacred Reiki business to ensure that you can begin pursuing a sacred career of your dreams which will serve the entire planet while adding a lovely additional or sole income to your life! 


This class is limited in size to keep it just as personal, intimate, and high-touch as if you were traveling to Pennsylvania to see me in person. 


I am honored that you are here and ready to advance your personal, spiritual, and professional lives through the power, purity, and beauty that is Holy Fire Reiki III, and with me as your guide and teacher. 


Should you need another payment plan option or have specific questions about the class or Holy Fire Reiki you can email me at [email protected] <3 


All The Holy Fire Love, Warmth, and Empowerment is Coming Your Way,


Meghan Rose