$344.44 USD

The Success Codes



Where your projects turn into wins, your goals get crushed, and your desires are drawn to you automatically.




The Success Codes Are The Harmonic Energy Activations Your Cells AND Soul Has Been Needing 


This is Cell-to-Soul Level Work. 

And that's why it DOES work. 

Time and Time Again. 



One Frequency Code at a time, you will be re-harmonizing and re-coding the full expanse of your physical and energetic nature back to its natural and powerful divine state. Coupling this with tried+true spiritually lawed-based manifestation techniques and extra-sensory gift-activating visualizations, you WILL get to claim SUCCESS, over and over and over. 


The Success Codes is a full-on energy activation program that empowers you to rewrite your energetic blueprint and manifest your dreams into reality.


You'll emerge from The Success Codes course a newly empowered and energetically aligned soul equipped with the tools and knowledge to create a life that continuously resonates with your highest desires. 


This divinely guided series of Frequency Codes and all the included wisdom it contains is here for you and ALL your goals.


It will bring in financial success, yes, especially if that is one of your core goals, but it will also enable you to see greater and more harmonic success in your relationships with your health when creating roadmaps for your soul-aligned courses and masterclasses and when taking on big intention goals like writing a book or buying a house.


Through the power of the Frequency Codes, which are Cell-To-Soul Universal Activations, this thoughtfully curated program provides you with clarity, confidence, insight, intuition, grace, ease, and the ability to See, Feel, Hear, and Know your way through any obstacle that may come your way as you set your inner compass to reach the stars!


What sets this course apart from many others in my past is the carefully curated suite of manifestation tools, including specialized visualization techniques tailored to each Frequency Code. This ensures that you'll be walking away with a deeply impactful experience that resonates with all you are currently working on and all your sacred future projects to come.


The course also offers valuable video lesson bonuses, delving deeper into the practices and enhancing your understanding and ability to assimilate the on-high energetic transmutation that comes with the Frequency Codes.


To further amplify the transformative impact of the Codes, I have curated a selection of Solfeggio Frequency Tracks to pair with the silent transmissions of the Frequency Codes while also being highly useful to harmonizing your body and mind and all other times of the day. While the activations do not need music, I understand that some people can deepen into a relaxed state with this type of accompaniment, and I always aim to provide a more well-rounded experience for you.


You'll get to learn how to Anchor and Layer the Codes in yourself at times of need, activate your ability to Remember your core dreams and all you came here to do, and actually receive the energetic empowerment to be able to achieve the level of Success that you so rightly deserve and are capable of.




  • 17 Unique Frequency Code Activations for profound personal and spiritual transformation!


  • 17+ Specialized Manifestation Techniques tailored to each Code for a deeply personalized journey toward abundance and success!


  • 3 Modules, Activation & Dedication, Transformation & Discipline, and Manifestation & Devotion, all designed to help you grow and expand your capabilities over and over again.


  • Video Lesson Bonuses that enhance understanding and application of the practices within!


  • Brand New Solfeggio Frequency Tracks that will further harmonize your body and mind, amplifying the transformative impact of the Codes!


  • Guided Visualizations, Manifestation Techniques, and practical exercises to rewrite your energetic blueprint and attract the life you desire and deserve!


  • Access to a private student/alumni group only where co-working, spiritual discussions, and even further activations can take place!


  • Lifetime access to this course as well as all future updates! 


  • The ability to listen on the course homepage, download the Frequency Codes for your own playlist, or access your program on the go with Kajabi's mobile app!


  • Access massive discounts by choosing the full course. Individual downloads of these Codes at $33.33 would total $566.61, and this doesn't even take into account the coursework, templates, and Success Codes workbook, which will all make your success journeys even easier and more effective! And not only are you saving BIG but many of these Frequency Codes are not even available outside of the Success Codes Course, or The Activations Academy!


The Success Codes is designed for you if you crave happiness, fulfillment, and contentment not just in one area but in mind, body, AND spirit and are ready to do the work while journeying towards success, manifestation, and aligning your energy with the frequencies of All The Good Things, which is one of the Frequency Codes inside the course!


Of course, ALL the Frequency Codes and the accompanying wisdom and tools will help you lead a life where you can manifest your desires more readily, access and even realize your higher potential, and live in harmony with your true purpose while feeling content, fulfilled and satisfied that you can accomplish what you set out to do! 


Upon completing the full course and activating all the Frequency Codes within, you can expect to undergo multiple perceptible changes in your mind, body, heart, spirit, and finances! 


Time and time again, my students(and myself!) get to report back on just how deeply the Frequency Codes have changed them. Many of these occur from the very first listen, and with greatly increased results when these activations are adopted as a part of a lifestyle. 




Here are just a few of the wins I hear about all the time and that you can expect too. 


  • Elevated Vibrational Frequency: A significant shift in one's energetic state, aligning you more closely with the vibrations of abundance, success, and fulfillment, so much so that many report massive wins from new houses to better jobs to $20,000 raises to starting their own businesses and much more!


  • Enhanced Manifestation Abilities: A greatly improved capability to manifest desires and goals with greater ease and precision. This is reported by just utilizing the power of the Frequency Codes. Now that I have been guided to include much more in the ways of manifestation techniques, visualization, and intention exercises, these occurrences will multiply quickly! 


  • Personal and Spiritual Growth: Deepened understanding and connection with one's spiritual self and Benevolent Team, leading to profound personal growth, a long-sought-after sense of inner peace, greatly enhanced spiritual gifts, and a renewed sense of reclaimed power over your life


  • Rewrite Limiting Beliefs: Liberation from deep-seated limiting beliefs, core discords, emotional blockages, and conditioned programming that have hindered one's progress and happiness in the past, leaving you with newfound awe, freedom, and joy over getting to know and feel aspects of your true self, often for the first time in this life. 


  • Empowered Self-Image: A renewed sense of self-worth and confidence are always among the wins! When working with the Harmonics of the Universe, which the Frequency Codes are, it is reported time and time again to be easy to recognize your inherent worthiness of love, success, and abundance and witness it showing up in your life!


  • Harmonious Life Changes: The ability to navigate life's transitions with grace, embracing change as an opportunity for growth and expansion. Life will still happen to all of us, even when working with harmonic energies. Many things like death, grief, and break-ups are part of human life, but it is in the control and understanding of our own energy, abilities, and actions that make all the difference when navigating a 3D plane and all our fellow beings. When working with harmonic frequencies there is a very real effect to begin to experience a huge upshift in resonant energies such as happiness, joy, fulfillment while witnessing opportunistic synchronicities pour in to your life. 


  • Sustained Abundance: Not just temporary gains, but a lasting state of abundance that permeates all areas of life, from financial wealth to relationships and health!




Are You Ready To Rewrite Your Energetic Blueprint, Become The Author Of Your Own Life, And Help Co-Create Your Successful Reality? 


Because Your Destiny Is Ready For You!



And just in case you're wondering, here are some commonly asked questions that I went ahead and answered for you too. 


What exactly are Frequency Code Activations, and how can they help me achieve personal and spiritual transformation? Frequency Code Activations are harmonic energetic transmissions brought forth from decades of personal energetic study and dedication and with the assistance of The Brothers and Sisters of The Light, a spiritual faction of Benevelont Beings whom we all have access to and who are here to help uplift us on a personal and planetary level. 


The Codes are designed to align your vibration with universal frequencies of harmony, abundance, fulfillment, and really all original benevolent essences. They are silent activations in which I come forth as a messenger and mouthpiece while the specific frequencies and wavelengths contained in each code recalibrate your energetic blueprint and help clear energetic blockages and discord. This then quickly helps you return to a more harmonic, balanced, and centered state as was always intended so you can witness greatly enhanced personal growth and deep spiritual transformation.


How does The Success Codes course differ from other manifestation programs? Unlike many programs that focus solely on mindset, The Success Codes integrate unique and powerful Frequency Codes, the cell-to-soul energetic activations one needs, as well as practical and easy-to-understand and implement tools that address both your spiritual and material aspirations. This ensures that your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes are all being addressed, honored, and activated to create quick and lasting change as you move through the course. 


Will this course provide personalized guidance and techniques tailored to my specific needs and goals? Yes, The Success Codes course is designed to accommodate individual needs and goals. It includes a variety of Frequency Codes and techniques, allowing you to select and combine elements based on your personal aspirations and challenges, ensuring a customized transformation experience. Couple this with the My Success Journal and the numerous manifestation templates provided and you will learn how to utilize this light-encoded work for each and every goal you wish to seek success in! 


Are the manifestation techniques easy to follow and suitable for beginners? Absolutely. The visualization techniques in The Success Codes are structured to be user-friendly, guiding beginners step-by-step while also providing depth for more experienced practitioners. They are crafted to be accessible regardless of one's prior experience with visualization or manifestation.


How long does it take to complete the course, and can I go at my own pace? The course is self-paced, allowing you to move through the modules as quickly or slowly as you wish. The total completion time can vary, but typically, students can complete the course within several weeks to a few months, depending on their dedication and time availability. There is guidance provided on this in the course as well, and most importantly, I want you to know that the Success Codes will be here for you forever. Going through the course one time will be very powerful in its own right, but you will find greater and greater success, wins, happiness, and fulfillment by having these Frequency Codes and tools by your side during all your future endeavors! 


Can I expect tangible results from this program, and if so, how soon can I start seeing them? Yes! Tangible results such as increased clarity, improved manifestation abilities, and greater alignment with your desires can often be observed many times immediately to within a few days and weeks of starting the course. Of course I must disclaim that results will depend on your level of engagement and application of the techniques and dedication to using the Frequency Codes. However, most of my students experience beneficial shifts in quick and immediate ways!


Can I wait and join later? do plan on keeping enrollment open for this course. However, it is in first-round pricing and will increase after its debut launch. 


How do I best use the Solfeggio frequency tracks included in the course effectively? The Solfeggio frequency tracks included in the course are specifically chosen for their effectiveness in harmonizing the body, mind, heart, and spirit! While the Frequency Codes themselves are silent activations coupled with my spoken Messages, the beautiful Solfeggio frequencies will support deeper meditation, facilitate healing, and enhance your overall well-being. Some people like to play them at the same time as the Codes, and some enjoy the original transmissions but utilize the Solfeggio tracks at other times in their day. 


How will The Success Codes help me overcome my limiting beliefs and align my energy with abundance? The course provides specific tools and Frequency Codes designed to identify and dismantle limiting beliefs and internal programs and conditioning. Every Frequency Code comes with specific activations, tools, and exercises, and you'll learn to rewire any hidden or known discordant beliefs and realign your energy with frequencies of abundance and success!


Can I consistently apply the principles and techniques taught in this course in my daily life? Yes, the principles and techniques are designed to be integrated seamlessly into daily life. The course provides practical steps and routines that can be adopted to maintain alignment and continue manifesting your goals consistently. I specifically teach this in Module Three: Devotion and how to embody your new abilities in day-to-day life to see even greater benefits and wins flow to you. 


Will the course address emotional and energetic blocks that may be hindering my progress toward success? Yes, The Success Codes is tailored to address both emotional and energetic blocks. Through dedicated modules, you will engage in activities that help identify, confront, and clear these blocks, facilitating smoother progress toward your success. Plus! I was Guided to add TWO BONUS CODES to specifically assist you in this called Emotional Release and Emotional Reclamation, which will help any trapped discord and negativity be transmuted with even greater ease while reclaiming any harmonic essences that you truly desire and need for your specific goals! 


How will The Success Codes support me in navigating significant life changes and pursuing my goals? The course equips you with multiple tools to manage and thrive during significant life changes. It enhances your resilience, adaptability, focus, and clarity, ensuring you remain empowered to pursue your goals regardless of external circumstances. In fact, the Frequency Codes have always been designed and known to be supportive, nurturing, loving, and healing gifts to have in your back pocket during both trying and positive times, and it will do you a world of good to have these harmonic activations by your side during any big life changes. 


Are there any additional resources or support available to me once I complete the course? Yes, upon completion, you will have access to ongoing support through an online student alumni community, continuous updates to the course materials, and discounts on advanced programs. This ensures you remain supported as you apply what you've learned and continue your growth journey.


Enroll in The Success Codes, Reclaim Your Power, and Start Manifesting Your Intentions Today!


Sending you all The Love and Empowerment in the Universe, 


Meghan Rose