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The Selfish Codes!

When I first Received the Knowing that I would be anchoring in a Frequency Code series around honoring the self, I got excited with anticipation for what was to come. There were so many beautiful essences that a great majority of the collective was in pretty dire need of, as we simply did not grow up in a reality where things like Self-Love, Self-Worth, Self-Confidence, Self-Actualization, and many other internally geared energies were taught or mirrored to us. 


And so, a brand new Frequency Code Series has been born! The Selfish Series! 


Now, when you look up the word Selfish it is pretty clear that the general definition is someone who is overly concerned with themselves, their needs, their comforts, their advantages, and so forth while having little disregard for others. 


Not I, nor Spirit would condone this type of essence. Having disregard for others while solely trying to focus on oneself could even be said to be what is wrong with this planet. 


But, I want you to swap the above meaning of Selfish and place the emphasis on the actual current reality of most of you who will read this and are called to my work and how your energy is spent day in and day out, probably for all of your life. 


It is very likely that you are overly concerned with OTHERS' needs, comforts, and advantages while having little disregard for yourself!!!! 


Was that a little or big Oh My when you read that? Or maybe you thought of course that is how it is with a bit of defeated energy in your sigh. 


What I have been receiving in this series is that the energy of Selfish is actually needed and beneficial to rebalance the very deep programs of putting all others before yourself to the note of it actually becoming detrimental. Leading to burnout, unfulfillment, dissatisfaction, and even confusion about who you really are anymore. 


It is time for you to own the energy of Selfish. In a Good Way. So you can get yourself back. 


Self-Love, Self-Confidence, Self-Control, Self-Worth, Self-Accountability, Self-Starter, Self-Forgiveness, Self-Actualization, and Self-Made are the Frequency Codes coming into this series now. 


If you’ve been in my programs before you’ll know that there will probably be even more added and I am even open to suggestions and needs from anyone reading this to possibly be included. 



 Pure magik in your life is about to enter your life!


Fill your own cup first and the cup of those you love and serve in this life will be so overfull with bountiful love, goodness, and beauty that they will be blessed many times over.


What you'll get:

    • Self-Love ~ Anchored

    • Self-Confidence ~ Anchored

    • Self-Control ~ Anchored

    • Self-Accountability ~ Anchored

    • Self-Actualization ~ Anchored

    • Self-Forgiveness ~ Anchored

    • Self-Worth ~ Anchored

    • Self-Determination ~ Coming Soon

    • Self-Made ~ Coming Soon

    • Self-Starter ~ Coming Soon


It is Time. Come Home To Yourself and watch as you move through the mundane and the mystical with so much more inner joy and reverence than you can imagine at this time!