Activating Your Cells and Your Soul to Embody Your Chosen Life



Let's Journey Together. 


Evolution is A Self-Paced Soul Activation and Embodiment Mastermind for the Spiritually-led Women who is ready to Harness, Heal, Hone, and then Master Your Energetic Blueprints. 


Everything starts from Within.


The Path of Evolution is the Path of Embodiment. You will learn how to deeply honor your Cells AND your Soul through Six Journeys, so as to be able to bring forth your Dreams, Desires, Missions, and Purposes to the forefront of your consciousness and actually see them taking shape and coming to fruition in your life!


When you walk through each area of your life with purpose and precision and honor all of the places in your life that had gotten swept under the rug, and instead to choose to see them and nurture them, you will come out the other side as a more whole, fulfilled, and empowered woman. 


Evolution offers you many Gifts. 


~ The Ability to Reclaim Sovereignty in your Body and Mind ~ 

~ To create Peace in your Home and Heart ~

~ To Balance and Nurture your Nervous System ~ 

~ To Enhance and Strengthen your Psychic Abilities ~

~ To Heal your dormant subconscious wounding and be Empowered to live a life through the Essence of your Authentic Self ~ 

~ To Claim and own your ability to be a Prosperous and Abundant Spiritual Woman in this lifetime ~

~ To Own your Sacred Voice, your Divine Gifts, and your Eternal Power and to share that unabashedly with the world ~


And so so much more. 


You found this Work, this Path, for a reason. 


Embrace This Moment In Your Evolution.

Experience a Code and Evolve

This is a Clarion Call to all Healers, Peace-makers, Code Keepers, Lightworkers, Light Leaders, Sacred Heart Souls, Change Makers and Wayshowers.

This is a call to you even if you're on the precipice of owning those roles and titles above. You're being called into this Work if you know in your heart of hearts and soul of souls that you are here for so much more than your current realities are allowing you to see.

You know you are made for so much more.


You know that you're done feeling trapped by the life you're in.


You are tired of the 'normal routine', the humdrum of the day in and day out complacency, the monotony of the standard life experience where you are forced to fit into other people's standards for how you live your life and express your beliefs. 


You are ready to be able to Remember, Own, Claim, and Share your True Soul's Calling.


You feel that deep yearning to be immersed in the unseen world, the energetic world, the limitless nature of your own Spirit and Source itself and embrace the vast potential that lies within your DNA.


You are ready to Heal.




And likely have the Call within you to bring healing to the world as a whole as well. 


You're ready to redesign your life in sync with direct guidance from your Soul, and Source Itself.


You've always felt your Power, although you may not have been able to tell what it was or why you felt so.....different.


You felt out of place at normal societal and religious functionings even if you may have consciously gone along with them for years.


There was always something deeper.


So Much Deeper.


This is the Sign you've been Asking for.


Let 2022 be your year of Soul Activation and Embodiment. 


It's Your Time Now. 


You've put others before yourself for far too long. 


I welcome your beautiful and sacred soul to a year-long activation Journey where you will advance and evolve in all areas of your life. 


This is the mastermind you have been seeking if you desire enhancement in your physical body, mental well-being, emotional expansion, spiritual connection, psychic gifts, sacred business, wealth embodiment as well as the ability to bring it all together and offer your magik to the world as you are destined to do. 


This Is Your Evolution.


This is so much more than an ordinary online program.


This is a Self-Explorative Mastermind.


An Evolution.


It is Transformation AND Transmutation.


It is Activation AND Embodiment. 

Evolve Now


~Sarah C., former Evolution Student, Sharing Her Enhanced Healing Abilities after working with the Frequency Codes ~


I have to share about the Frequency Code work that Meghan has offered through her classes!

They are so amazing and really have helped bring about changes in my life. Anyone can tap into this amazing energy of the Universe.


I have layered my Reiki sessions with these codes, with great success.


My favorite codes have been Ease, Healing Pod, and Happy Home. But there are so many I use all the time, for myself and my family. Meghan is always making a difference in people's lives and I am so happy to work with her and the energy of the codes.

You Are The One You Have Been Waiting For

I Am Here To Guide And Light The Way For You

Spiritual Mentorship!

You will be taking part in a twelve-month, online life-enhancing, soul-expansion course filled with brand new reach-to-your-core workbooks, journals, and videos designed to pull your magnificence out of your cellular memory! You will be guided and assisted every single step of the way in an intimate and high-touch private group where you can unfurl your wings and embody all of who you really are.

Complete Transformation!

The Frequency Codes offer immediate, yes, immediate, spiritual growth, Light Body activation, physical healing, emotional and mental empowerment, increased abundance, creative flow, extra-sensory gift development as well as  expansion, and enhanced healing abilities are just a few of the real-time benefits my students have experienced while in this course, as well as far after our container closes for you will have received the activations inside your cells and always have them available to you for further assimilation and transformation.

Direct Cellular Activation!

The Frequency Codes offer you powerful DNA clearing and activation, which create powerful shifts in all areas of your life because the chemical reactions and synapses that have been firing the same old way for all your life(and beyond) have finally been introduced to the proper, correct, and harmonic wavelengths of the Universe. When Harmony replaces discord, you start to see what feel like miracles occuring in your life, but in relaity, it is just that your body, mind, hart, and soul are operating at their original divine blueprint's capacity.

The Frequency Codes are a Remembering and a Reintroduction back into the Divine Frequencies of the Original Intention of this Great Universe.

Unconditional Love. Childlike Joy. Peace for All. Abundance for Every Soul. Empowerment. Fulfillment. Sheer Happiness. Divine Connection. Sacred Relationships. Powerful Psychic Awakenings.

These aren't just pretty ideals that are being thrown around here.


They are the outcomes Evolution offers you.


I will teach you how to step up into your Soul Mission and how to reclaim your Power and your Divinity as a Creator Being!


The Frequency Codes will gift you with the ability to change on a cellular level so the wisdom passed on isn't just another intellectual download of information.


They are so powerfully effective because while they are bringing in the harmonic blueprints of the Universe, the ones you remember how to operate from, they also simultaneously release the false programs and frequencies that are being thrown at your life every single day.


They offer you the instantaneous release of ancient wounds, contracts, cords, and the dissolution of eons of limiting stories, beliefs, and patterns, that have been passed down from generation to generation.


So what are they?


They are gifts from Melchizedek Ur and the Order of Light.


They are Ancient.


This Order is the emanation of Harmony and Order.


These Codes offer the true and original Wavelengths of Existence which offer Beneficial and Benevolent Experience.


It is Experience without distortion.


They are Powerful and Pure DNA Activations.


This is why a Code for Happiness will literally turn the corners of your mouth up, or a Code for Calm will engage your parasympathetic nervous system and drop your shoulders while bringing forth deep sighs from your lungs.


The Frequency comes through in a multitude of sacred color rays, geometric patterning, and wavelengths, hence there is a specific Frequency to each and every Code and each and every experience that is offered.


The Code is the emotion, experience, or outcome anchored in and translated into a transmission, so when you press play, akin to flipping on a light switch, on Happy Home you are literally receiving a Code, for bringing the purest and happiest,  among other beautiful and uplifting emotions and effects, into your home and other spaces that you frequent.


This Is A Full-Service Evolutionary Experience.


It is for those who have been called to the healing path their whole lives, no matter if you work as a healer and carer in any capacity, or you just know you were born to help change this planet!


And it does not matter if you are just recently going through an awakening epiphany or you've been working within the spiritual realms since birth.


You can come out of this year with an arsenal of knowledge and real skills to successfully shift and successfully walk through these ascension times by healing your own life, your family's lives and even your community and beyond lives.


You are entering a Twelve-Month expansion of your entire life.


The Evolution Mastermind offers you direct and powerful change for the here and now! 


Check out what your soul, what your life, what your essence will be receiving by you saying a full-body yes to your path today: 


~ 128+ Activate, Harmonize, and Expand your DNA, transformational Frequency Codes! ~


~New Frequency Codes Brought In Every Month With Your Essence and Goals in Mind! ~ 

What you are receiving are Uuniversally Harmonic Precise Wavelengths that Correct, Stabilize, and Upgrade your body in real-time.


You will have access to these transmissions forever!


Each Code is truly soul and life-changing and offers you a gradual step-ladder to grow and evolve through well-thought-out levels of spiritual activation and enhancement. 


The Frequency Codes themselves offer you real-time energetic shifts that then ripple out into your physical realities creating that change you've so been desiring to see manifest!

Susan N., former Evolution Student, Discussing Her Ongoing Transformation

"Everything is happening and changing so quickly.


I can't wait to see what comes through on the call.


It's been Christmas every day since I started the codes.


Opening something new every day.


I feel like a child...the excitement and wonderment."

~ Six In-Depth Journeys over Twelve Months~


On top of the actual Frequency Code activations, each module is filled with channeled guidance, powerful energetic tools, and sacred rituals all gathered, honed, and curated from over two decades of energy medicine experience(and many, many, many lifetimes at that).


Feng Shui tools, Prosperity Candle Spells and Jars, Kundalini Kriyas, Light Breathing Technology, Psychic Advancement Practices will be among the many aspects which will be brought forth to gift you with a holistic toolbox of spiritual gifts that serve your growth, peace, and success on all levels. 

You will have a reservoir of wisdom provided through workbooks and videos to empower you to successfully be able to heal and shift on literally all levels. 


Together we will Activate, Clear, Honor, and Harmonize all of the major and integral aspects of your life including your Sacred Spaces, Sacred Balanced Nervous System, Sacred Psychic Abilities, Sacred Wealth, Sacred Higher Self, and Sacred Transcendence and Immanence. 

Amanda Pendrith, former Evolution student, Discussing Her Commitment to Her Evolution! 

I was quick to sign up for Meghan’s first round of Frequency Codes.


I wasn’t exactly sure what would unfold but I knew I needed to be a part of the experience.


I do not regret it for one second!


They have become a part of my daily life.


Each one is unique and depending on what’s going on In my life I draw on what I need.


Most noticeably my Reiki treatments have become stronger and my clients having been feeling the difference! I would have to say my favourite code to date has probably been Relief but time will tell because I’ve signed up for the next round!!


I would recommend this to anyone who is looking to grow. Meghan has a lovely way of introducing the codes and a very calming energy."

~Deep Dive Lessons to Expand Your Growth on All Levels~


The Evolution Mastermind is not filled with fluff, nor will it be lacking in any area. 


You will be receiving among other things, brand new digital journals, workbooks, sacred tools and rituals, potent activations, and wisdom lessons to help you go deep into Embodying your Soul Mission and to clear whatever may have been in your way before you embarked on this Sacred Soul Journey and Evolution! 

~ High Touch Spiritual Mentorship and Guidance~ 


I am there every single step of the way.


This Mastermind is designed around multiple touchpoints including Live Coaching and Mentorship, Live Frequency Code Activations, Guided Weekly Assignments and Mentorship Threads, and opportunities every month to have a personalize 'Frequency Code Prescription' intuitively selected for you to help you bust through all the dense energies you are currently working on releasing.


I am there to offer lightning bolts of transmutation, shifting, healing, correcting, downloading, receiving, and transforming your skills, abilities, and perceptions of your life throughout this journey.


Not only do I have over 20 years of experience working with energy medicine and healing and activating others and myself, I Remember my own Power and Missions as an Ancient Guide of Light and Empowerment.


My teaching, my mentorship, and my guidance will steer you successfully toward your dream life and truly discover your soul mission while creating a concrete plan to actually fulfill it in the here and now!


~Brandy Keenan, former Evolution student, Discussing Her Full-On Evolution~


Meghan is my first coach and I keep coming back to her because she has a way of helping you grow, stepping into your power, she holds a space for you then gives you the tools to step into that space for yourself.


I recently took part in the Frequency Codes and wow, it's so hard to put into words what they have done for me. The change has been physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, every part of my being feels like it is has been changed.


Every single cell is alive now. All of my being has been awakened. I can not go back to playing small.

I'm feeling things, knowing things, believing in myself in a way I never knew was possible. I've now stepped up and am healing others the way I know I'm meant to do.


There is a remembering of who I am meant to be, a recognition deep in my soul that has been unleashed.


It started on day 1 of The Frequency Codes, not the last day, the first day, the very first day I felt a shift, a change and it only got better from there.


Frequency Codes are about remembering who you are and why you are here, and stepping straight into that with no fear or doubt, just knowing, and trusting.


If you're thinking about The Frequency Codes, stop thinking and jump in.

I Choose My Evolution

The Activations Academy 


The Activations Academy is gift from me to you for embarking on the Evolution Journey!


It is a growing Living Library of Frequency Codes and Divine Transmissions with over SEVENTY-SIX to choose from right now!

Immediately upon signing up, you will be gain access to these On-High Harmonic Activations.


This alone is $888.88(really worth triple this but the investment is currently $888.88)


These Codes are dispersed into multiple categories including Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual, Wealth, Chakra, and a bonus section for separate Divine Transmissions I have added as bonuses including Holy Fire Reiki Healing Experiences and activations to help you Meet The Elementals.


Inside the Activations Academy are an additional two bonus Power Codes Courses, Harmony For All and Light-Codes Embodied!


I chose to gift this insanely valuable course to all my Evolution students this year so that no matter what you're growing through during our 12 months together I can pop in and suggest a frequency Code(or two or three) to immediately assist your cell to soul shift and allow you to realign to and remember the badass powerful woman that you are! 

The Activations Academy ~ A Gift For You

Wait? Another Gift?


~ The Empowerment Codes ~


You will receive an ADDITIONAL  Series of Transformative Codes within a Full-On Guided Course all for FREE!


The Empowerment Codes guides you through three powerful modules which enable your life, your cells, and your soul to come back into coherence with your Divine Original Blueprint so you can start living as your Authentic Self.


You will be taught how to anchor in and layer the included Frequency Codes by yourself so that you can use them in all areas of your life, in ever-increasingly powerful ways, without even needing to listen to the Codes, once they have been activated into your body.


In Module One ~ Stability ~ 

You are being given the tools and activations needed to Stabilize your energetic frequency while learning how to properly manifest what you desire by learning about and using your powerful mind and channeled intentions guided by your Authentic Self vision.


Module One Lessons: 

Layering and Anchoring Codes, The Infinite Power Of Your Own Mind, and Finding Harmony with Your Authentic Self


Module One Frequency Codes:
Brain and Time Balancing, The Healing Pod and Align and Assimilate, Rooted, Stability, Happy Home, and Emotional Cellular Clearing.


In Module Two ~ Harmony ~

 You are learning how to further Harmonize your life from cell to soul. You will have been given the proper universal frequencies that will restore your energetic signature back to its original divine blueprint so you can have a solid, healed, protected, and cohesive platform to continue all of your inner and outer growth from with ease and grace.


Module Two Lessons:

The Sacred Shield Activation which in and of itself is a powerful bonus gift teaching you how to reintegrate and reactivate your natural and powerful force field around your body, and Light Rituals for Protection and Clearing.


Module Two Frequency Codes:

All The Good Things, Ease, Rejuvenation, Harmony, and Childlike Joy and Wonder.


In Module Three ~ Empowerment ~ 

You will be taught and gifted the proper activations to literally empower yourself from the inside out. Here you will regain the confidence of knowing and remembering your vast and limitless nature as a spiritual being and feel once again what it is like to expand your healed energy field so much farther than it has been able to reach before while living in discord. You naturally start feeling better, being happier, watching your goals get checked off your list, and so many other possibilities that come


Module Three Lessons:

Empowering Your Life With Divine Heart Awareness and Awakening, and Living as Your Authentic Self in a 5D World.


Module Three Frequency Codes:

Heart Awakening and Opening, Heart Expansion, Prosperity, Strength, Wisdom, As Above So Below.


It alone sells for $333.33 and it alone would do you wonders if you never even got all the juicy soul expansion gifts above to come in your 12-Month Mastermind Mentorship!


This is again a gift from my Soul to your Soul so that I can ensure you have access to high-quality and a high-quantity number of Activations so I can assist you along your beautiful journey in all ways possible. 

And psssst. You get those last two bonus courses within 72 hours of signing up!

This means your Evolution starts now.

This Mastermind is Everything you've been Searching for. 


It is the conscious and cellular transformation that is what I wish I had ten, five, two, even last year!


And since I didn't have it,  I created it.


I am a Master Healer and Expert Spiritual Gift Activator.


I live and breathe energy medicine.


Seriously, I do this stuff for fun.




It is also my life's work.


My mission.


And a huge part of my mission is to act as a Beacon Of Light for the other crusaders and game-changers that have incarnated at this top to shake up the old matrixes and help awaken the new dawn of the peace and abundance paradigm for all.


The Evolution Mastermind will enable you to Remember and Embody your Soul Mission.


It will enable you to create a powerful divine action plan towards achieving it, all before you ever leave the immense love and mentorship of this sacred container.


You will Elevate and Upgrade your Skills.


And one of the things that I love about this work is that you do not need to be able to attend live to enjoy the benefits.


You do need to do the work though.


You do need to hit play on the replays and utilize the assigned Integrations. 


You do need to have a will to change and to show up for yourself whenever it is that you can during the day to allow these Codes to anchor into your life.


If you cannot attend live during any of our Soul Embodiment Calls there will be opportunities to submit your questions or struggles beforehand so that I can still answer them and provide personal Frequency Codes and answers during the call so you can reap the benefits when you have an opportunity to watch later.


Own your Power, my friends!


Own your right to create and live a fulfilled, happy, passionate, and abundant life!


Each Journey will be designed to help you shift in immensely beautiful ways, in real-time. We'll be starting from your surroundings, your body, your psychic and extra-sensory gifts, your divine connection, your prosperity, and your ability to embody your Soul Mission in this lifetime.


In your 12-month Evolution Mastermind, you will be guided through all areas of your life and how to create meaningful shifts in your physical and energy bodies as well as discovering a multitude of potent tools and methods for sinking these changes permanently into your life.


These Codes from Melchizedek UR and our Benevolent Beings are here to awaken your dormant DNA and to restore your wondrous full potential!


While there are so many ways that you can open and expand your life the following are typical results my students have experienced.

Access Your Potential

All Of This And Much More Is Available To You By Embarking On The Frequency Codes Evolution Journey

Increase your healing ability in amazing ways and kickstart the abilities you have always felt within but doubted. You will get to feel in real-time the Frequency Codes pouring into your body, and clearing and activating different areas of your body. Your extrasensory abilities going forth will be super-activated. You'll be able to sense crystalline, earthen, spiritual and other humans' and animals' energy in amazingly beautiful and heightened ways! .

Getting to have a constant connection with the Benevolent Ones is a game-changer. The new flow of this course is designed to teach you how to connect directly and be taught directly by these High-Vibration and Unconditionally Loving Beings. It is also common to remember and commune with star races you once lived with. This is priceless and opens so many doors to your destiny. Many of my students commented on how even other healers saw these beings now surrounding them, including Melchizedek! These Codes and the guidance presented here will help you release the programming of this 3D world that prevents most souls from creating real and meaningful relationships with your Guides and being able to see and sense them. 

Together we will create the ideal container for your Authentic Self to come forth and embody in your physical self! This is an activation of your full-on intuitive skills, remembering who you are at your core, and walking in confidence that you can successfully fulfill your soul mission. Being able to walk in the beauty of Knowing your Eternal Self is such a gift but Embodying this Eternal Self is the goal we should all be working towards. This course will assist you in getting to live in your highest possible timeline and reaping the rewards of self-actualization!

There are not many words that can be said here. I absolutely love working with the different expressions of Source, aka my Higher Self, and the Benevolent Ones, but when it comes down to it I will mostly keep my spiritual dialogue going with the ultimate Love and Life Source there is. You just can't go wrong here when you ultimately learn surrender and the peaceful ways that come with being guided by God, The Eternal One, The Universe Itself. This is the chance to feel and know Divine Peace in every molecule of your existence and then get to spread that essence on to others. 

Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Claircognizance, Clairsentience, and Clairalience are just the tip of the iceberg of the extra-sensory gifts that will be awakened within you and heightened in huge ways! These abilities are your birthrights and having them activated and expanded will restore your confidence, your strength, your inner guidance, and your innate wisdom on how to navigate the path to your soul's fulfillment here on this great planet. 

When you activate your core eternal memory and step into the awakening of all aspects of yourself you then create the proper harmonics in every area of your life which in turn, turns on all the good things! This is what being in flow means. All the good things will just naturally start happening for you. The love, the abundance, the jobs, the connections, the free gifts, the wins, the good times, the great seats, the parking spots, the homes, the land, the adventures, the trips, the straight-up cash flow, the literally insert any and all of all the good things. This becomes so much easier because your whole life is vibrating at its proper, natural, higher vibrations.

I know you've heard of how you need to become an energetic match for things like money, and well, anything.

This is what this Mastermind is all about. The Vibrations. The Wavelengths. The Frequencies. Being in Proper Alignment and In Tune with the Harmonic Gifts andEexpressions of the Universe.

This is what The Evolution Mastermind does for you.

It's an out with the old and in with the new.


Well,'s an out with the new and in with the old, the Original, the Divine, as you will be clearing the false paradigms and false limiting stories you picked up in this relatively short life of yours and restoring your ancient and original blueprints.


You deserve This.

You deserve the Truth.

You deserve Wholeness.

You deserve Harmony.

You deserve Abundance.

You deserve Intimacy.

You deserve Good Health.

You deserve Joy.

You deserve Evolution.


Are you ready to activate your entire life?


Good, I'm ready to be your Guide.


Let's break down Your Path.

In Module One, you will be gaining all the wisdom you need on how to create an energetically aligned space all around you.


Whether that is your own personal sacred space, your home, your office, your car, or even your own personal auric space as you walk around town.


From ritual ceremonies to cleanse and clear your home to a Sacred Shield Activation that I learned from my very first Shaman of Siberian descent on to how to effectively raise(and keep it there) your vibration on a daily basis, this module will have you ready for to own higher limits of your expanded self, and get to experience a deep sense of peace, calm, harmony, and happiness in the world around you.


The Frequency Codes

~Happy Home
~Seal and Protect


Two New Codes Each Month specifically related to inviting harmony, peace, order, and sacredness into your body, home, and surrounding personal environments. 


The Deepening


~Envisioning Your Authentic Self and Creating Power Decrees

~Honoring and Purifying Your Sacred Spaces

~Harmonizing Your Vibrations


Guest Expert Speakers in Feng Shui and Cleansing Rituals!

In Module Two we will be honoring your human nature and the multitude of ways you can be stretched in all directions while living in this 3d world. In this module, you will be learning how to create and master your own unique spiritual schedule that fits in with your energy system and your daily commitments whether that be work, family, PTO meetings, the gym, and well all of the things that typically keep us from firmly committing to the spiritual work that will change your life.


You will also start to expand your ability to commune with your Cosmic Team via powerful activations in the Sacred Scribes Room! You will be gaining relationships with your Higher Self, the Benevolent Ones, Ancestors, and Source Itself which will give you the unique gift to truly be able to know what is even worth dedicating your time and energy to in the first place while gaining unique insight to what you are meant to be pursuing here on this sacred planet.


This Module will set you and your nervous system up for massive success and peace for years to come. 


Frequency Codes

~Harmony and Balance
~Peace and Joy
~Divine Connection


Two New Codes Each Month specifically related to escaping the overwhelm syndrome and feeling empowered in the way you create your own life and routine in this world!


The Deepening


~Energy Tracking and Creating Your Unique Sacred Schedule

~Light Rituals To Heal and Expand Your Body, Mind, Heart, and Soul

~Channeling in your Sacred Scribe Room


Guest Expert Speakers on The Five Element Theory and Creating Divine Schedules that Fill You Up Instead Of Filling Up Your Whole Life!

In Module Three you are diving deep into your extrasensory abilities, how to discover and grow your main gift, as well as how to expand and activate all of your Clairs!


While there will be an emphasis on clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairaudience, and clairsentience I will be providing sacred wisdom and the Codes needed to activate them on many more not so talked about gifts but that many of you beautiful souls have like being a Frequency Keeper yourself or remote viewing for example.


This Module will also give you the wisdom and skills you need to honor and heal your aura. Among other potent wisdom, you'll be gifted a powerful auric tear and cord healing activation that will assist you to heal your and other auric fields. 


Frequency Codes

~Aura Restoration and Expansion
~Dormant DNA Activation





~Psychic Gifts Awakening and Activation


Two New Codes Each Month specifically related to Awakening and Expanding your Extra-Sensory Gifts!


The Deepening


~How to safely and effectively expand these skills as you go forth in life.

~Using your Extra-sensory gifts on a daily basis.

~Heightened receptivity and understanding for vibrational communication from your Guides.


Guest Expert Speakers on using your Owning Your Psychic Skills and using them Professionally!




In this Module, you will be learning all about creating a proper energy flow within and around your body. We'll dive into your Sushumna column, a simple but extremely powerful breathing technique that is a game-changer for healing on all levels, and even crystal work that can be utilized for anyone, to upkeep and expand your biofield.


You will also be learning how to honor and create communication with both your ancestral and soul lineages' wisdom. This course will enable you to drop the cultural conditioning that keeps you locked in a caged pattern of false 3d beliefs designed to keep you small and unaware of your magnificent gifts as a child of the stars. You'll also start activations for channeling work in this module to assist you in uncovering your truest self, who you are, why you came here this time, and what some of your core beneficial traits and gifts are that need to be passed onto this earth. 


Frequency Codes

~Earth Star
~Soul Star
~Stellar Beam


Two New Codes Each Month specifically related to Light Embodiment and Soul and Ancestral Lineage Healing!


The Deepening


~Understanding your unique Soul Essences and how to use them to honor your Soul Mission

~Clearing Negative Energy and Entities 

~Calling Your Energy Back


Guest Expert Speakers in Ancestral Work!

In Module Five, you will be activating and restoring your natural ability to attract, keep, and grow your prosperity!


You'll be receiving multiple techniques to heal past and current money trauma stories with just one of them being the Aura Akashic Alignment Method which has proven success in my student's financial success! This won't be access to the full AAA Academy but you will be receiving a potent and complete AAA Release and Reclamation Clear to rid your darkest and densest blocks around money. Just one AAA R&R like you will be receiving has brought in thousands upon thousands of dollars mere days and weeks after our session for multiple students! You'll learn how to transmute outdated money stories stuck in your cells and create new aligned big visions utilizing your new ability to actually stay in these heightened abundance vibrations! 


Frequency Codes

~Expansive Income and Wealth


Two New Codes Each Month specifically related to Wealth, Abundance, and Prosperity! 


The Deepening


~Dedication to Complete Your Mission

~Shifting from Working Class to Well Off

~Be It to See It Paradigm Shifts


Guest Experts on Breaking Through Your Glass Ceiling and Owning Your Wealth Consciousness! 

This Module is all about solidifying your full-on spiritual expansion, into your physical life, so that the skills, gifts, and wisdom you were gifted during this Mastermind can be seen, felt, touched, and experienced every day by yourself and your clients and students.


We'll talk more about how to claim your power as a Co-Creatrix Being and further enhance the way you have sacred relationships with the Benevolent Ones, Source Itself, and how to truly honor your full-on badass spiritual self while living inside this 3d to 5d Ascension times.


It's time to bring your newly empowered and expanded gifts all together while giving you the ability to continue to expand far past our time together.


The Frequency Codes

~Christ Consciousness and Above
~Multidimensional You



~Multidimensional You


Two New Codes Each Month specifically related to Embodiment, Owning Your Soul Mission and Sharing It With the World!


The Deepening


~Bringing all your Skills Together 

~Future Visions Manifesting Now

~Offering your Essence to the World


Guest Experts on Showing Up For Yourself and Your Mission!

This Course Gives You What You Need.

Which is a full-on Spiritual Activation and Mentorship that addresses EVERY area of your life so you can become the highest and most amazing version of yourself in the here and now!

Energetically, Emotionally,  Mentally, Spiritually, and Financially you will Expand and Evolve!


You will Heal!


You will Conquer your old self! 


You are being gifted with the actual energetic activations AND the wisdom to continue utilizing these Frequency Codes and your expanded skills and gifts throughout the Rest of Your Life!


You will be meeting members of your Soul Family.


Both Above and right here in the Mastermind! The most perfect souls always come together for these pivotal times in our lives and I couldn't be more honored to guide so many of you amazingly sacred souls into the next 12 months and beyond of your lives!


You will be stepping up as a Conscious Creator of your life.


You will be meeting your Authentic Self and channeling your Soul Mission down into your Sacred Physical Body.


Into The Here and Now.


The Evolution Mastermind addresses yourself as a Whole and Powerful being and actually gives you the time, space, and activations you truly need to witness this Evolution take place in ALL areas of your life. 


Not only will this whole Twelve-Month Mastermind do your life wonders but there are also some Ah-Mazing Bonuses being offered completely FREE to you!




You will receive FREE access to the Empowerment Codes Course!


I have been led to bundle these exact Codes as they offer balance and cohesion in your energy body, and therefore your life.


Remember, cohesion is what creates alignment and alignment is what creates the ability to actual manifest!


These Frequency Codes will create powerful shifts for you right now before we even begin our time together!


Here are just some of the Codes that your cells will be rejoicing over!


The Healing Pod and Align and Assimilate:

Two super potent Codes wrapped in one. This is the launching-off point. These Codes calibrate and tune your body to the frequencies of healing, stabilization, and alignment so that you can strengthen and heal your energy bodies once and for all. Once you have been gifted with the ability to operate from a stable center point you will also be able to receive so much more Light and higher more pure based frequencies from the Universe and Earth than ever before! These Codes will give you the ability to ever increase your Light and upgrade your gifts during all of the planet's most powerful energy shifts!


What goes up must also learn how to go down. It is time to anchor in my friends and give all of your gifts and all of your beautiful growth a steady and secure foundation to watch all of your goals come true from. This Code is immensely healing and nourishing. Without vibrating to the proper grounding frequencies your big visions and goals have no ground to stand on. This Code gives you that solid platform to launch all of your grand dreams and desires from!


This is easily one of my favorite Codes! While I have a lifetime of experience working with energy medicine it was not until I fully embodied Ease that these Codes were even possible to be brought forth in this immense way! Let this Code give you the ability to instantly get out of your own way and step up into your power center. With Ease, life simply gets easier. Taking action gets easier, getting the promotion gets easier, launching your successful course gets easier, relationships get easier, self-love gets easier. You get the drift. Let it be easy my friend.


We are all infinitely abundant and limitless and this Code specifically brings forth the frequency of allowing each of us to own our prosperous lives! This code is intense and powerful! It will work deeply on your subconscious levels where the limiting lack stories truly live until your cells begin to operate from pure adherence to the natural abundance paradigm of the Universe! It's time to break free from the old illusions and beliefs that have been passed down and claim your prosperous life!

Emotional Cellular Clearing:

Another extremely powerful Code(they all are) that works on your interstitial fluid as well as other water and fluids in your body. Your body is a receptor and carrier of the emotions and thoughts that you create. All of them. They get stuck deep in your body and your tissues and your life starts to mimic the pain and suppressed emotions that you thought you were keeping to yourself! In comes this Code to honor every single cell and the space in between your cells. It is deeply cleansing, warm, purifying and very much a necessity as you go forth into your new healed and whole life.

All The Good Things:

All Good Things is such a light and happy Code. You deserve ALL good things. The love, the friends, the partners, the money, the joy, the peace, the vacations, the book deals, the clients, the... insert your good here. This is a very expansive and receptive Code and is literally opening you up to the frequency of understanding and allowing the simple fact that you can have all good things!

Heart Expansion:

What a joyous feeling this Code brings to your life and to the world. Not only is it super reparative for any heartache or grief that has lingered in your body but the expansion of your core self alone offers you the ability to be seen! Our species was programmed to shrink and cower and be afraid. You were kept small and then you unconsciously decided to keep up that story and remain small out of false safety issues. This Code allows you to expand safely and surely into all that you are meant to be. It allows you to be seen, felt, and heard by all the right souls and naturally repels that and who does not serve you. This Code is an immense gift to expanding your soul presence!

Happy Home:

This Code is actually the Live Zoom recording that I did on Day One inside the very first Frequency Codes Course! You'll get a tiny yet powerful taste of what it is like to expand with me and a group of sacred souls on a 12-week journey. Happy Home is simply wonderful. The pressure that literally gets lifted from your spaces when you bring in these diamond lattice frequencies is a breath of fresh air! And speaking of air this Code had expanded and offered clearing to the skies and the earth and my students literally saw chemtrails disappear from the skies immediately after class! This Code offers all the good feels, and immediately repels and negative emotions, thoughts, or entities as they literally don't have any space to linger once your home is operating in the proper harmonic frequencies! This is a gift to yourself, your fur babes, your children, and anyone who will ever enter your home as well as a gift to the land that you walk upon.


This Code is a brand new addition to my courses and was intuitively anchored in to further assist the physical assimilation of these and all frequencies in your life. When you go through such immense life-altering changes it can affect you in many beautiful ways. Sometimes, or many times, these Codes also need to work on a deep subconscious level and this can even put your physical body to sleep as our most inner memories and programs are being worked on. Rejuvenation is a gift from the Benevelont Ones to help us restore and bounce back quicker than ever before so your conscious spiritual work and dedication can pay off for us.


And those are just 9 of the already channeled 128 Frequency Codes you'll be receiving with dozen of new ones throughout the year! 


This course has gotten its own amazing evolution and you can read the full outline here: 


The Empowerment Codes Course


You'll also receive access to: 


The Activations Academy! 


This is a Light-Encoded Library of Seventy Plus Codes! 


This entire Mastermind is going to be re-designed in such a way that no matter where you are, or where you feel stuck, I will be able to come in and recommend a 'prescription of Codes' on top of guiding you into some Divine Action steps that will shake up your outdated programs, help you clear that discord out of your cells, and help you harmonize and heal to your truest potential. 


Remember: These are JUST the BONUSES! 


The Empowerment Codes package holds 17 Very Powerful Harmonizing Codes.


And they are FREE to you! These Codes are a $333.33 value being offered to you!


They are designed to build your frequency up while simultaneously shedding much of the lower density energies that hide in the body.


You'll be able to receive so many gifts, insights, clearings, and awakenings before our official start date in April even rolls around!


The Activations Academy is over a $3,000+ value all by itself! 


Your Evolution is Ready for You.


And You Are Ready For It. 


It will transform, heal, awaken, and restore you.


It will give you a new life.


The Frequency Codes alone offer such deep transformation and empowerment and healing that they are worth the investment alone.


And yet you are getting twelve months of personal mentorship and guidance from a Master Healer and Teacher divided into Six Deep Dive Transformational Modules filled with sacred tools and wisdom designed to gradually yet powerfully lift you up into each next level of your life.


This Mastermind is worth so much more, as it offers you so much from true peace in the home and in the heart, connection to your soul mission, the ability to vibrate too, attract, and receive prosperity, activated and enhanced spiritual gifts just to name a few of the many gifts and experiences this course will bring you.


You won't be the same by the time this journey is complete.


You will have graduated into a whole new level of existing.


You will be embodying your mission.


You will be living in your chosen created reality.


The Investment: 


It's True Value: 

Well over $15,000!


And yet:

The Entire Evolution Mastermind is only a fraction of that at $1888.88!!!!!


The true value is no exaggeration either. One of the reasons I'm offering a 12-Month Mastermind at this insanely low rate is that one of my mission aspects is Accessibility.

Another is to reach the masses.

I want Truth, Freedom, Sovereignty, Peace, Wealth, Energy Medicine, Healing, and Empowerment to exist in every single household that desires it.

From my free work to my affordable low-tiered courses and memberships to this expansive offering, I'm committed to creating containers for the 'regular' Soul who is craving to expand, elevate, and evolve, their existence! 


If you LOVE Payment Plans as much as I do I have created extremely extended payment plans to attempt to meet everyone who is called to this course where they are! 


Take advantage of a TWELVE MONTH Payment Plan designed to fit into your life!


The Frequency Codes Evolution Course will literally, completely, and finally change your life.


For The Better. For Good. 


Become Who You Really Are.

Awaken To Your Greatness.

We Need You To.


You just need to Show Up. Activate. Implement. And watch as the Magik of Embodying Your Most Magnificent Life continues to pour into your reality. 


The Evolution Mastermind is open for enrollment!


As soon as you Know that this path is a Full Body Yes and click to enroll, you will receive free access to The Empowerment Codes within 72 hours! this means you can start your mentorship journey right now!


And we start the full Evolution on 3/21! 


These Codes have done amazing things for every area of my life and also for hundreds of my students and thousands of those who have participated in my live events and I would be honored to share them with you as well.


In fact, I have to, that is the whole point of this Mastermind.


I am here as a Frequency Keeper, Light Leader, and Wayshower that Lights the way for your stunning Sacred Soul to create the most brilliant pockets of light all over the planet in your communities!


I'm blessed to get to share this work with overall across the Globe and I can just see and feel the ripples of change that are already emanating throughout the Earth!


I Am Here For You!


You can reach me at [email protected] and through my sacred facebook group Energetic Arts Community: Activation, & Empowerment To Grow & Prosper


Let's Heal Together. Let's Transform Together. Let's Evolve Together.


Choose Your Plan

Whether you want to save BIG and Score those Pay-In-Full Bonuses or your prefer to pay-over-time, I will always create multiple options to help your Evolutionary work fit into your lifestyle.

12-Month Extended Plan



12-Month Evolution Mastermind and Mentorship ($12,000)

The Activations Academy($3,000)

The Empowerment Codes($333.33)

This Is My Year To Evolve!

Six-Month Plan



12-Month Evolution Mastermind and Mentorship ($12,000)

The Activations Academy($3,000)

The Empowerment Codes($333.33)

This Is My Year To Evolve!



12-Month Evolution Mastermind and Mentorship ($12,000)

The Activations Academy($3,000)

The Empowerment Codes($333.33)

Save $111.11!

There is ONE more spot for a FREE Private One Hour Soul Self Session Worth $444.44!

This Is My Year To Evolve!

Enroll Today. Evolve Today

You can secure your seat at our Evolutionary table and start your Activation and Embodiment Journey with the Empowerment Codes and Activations Academy while we all gather together for the full Expansion March 21st 2022! Time To Go Big. Time To Evolve.


50% Complete

Two Step

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